
Hottest take on all the interwebs

But being in law enforcement or the military certainly does!

This is a fucking 100% dad joke, I’m gonna guess you never had a father?

You should try reading the parts where this sentence was only handed out after violating probation and also fleeing the country?

Hope floats, feelings reinforce and trends stabilize.

The US doesn’t give two shits about this and remains an ally even in the face of a regional embargo against them.

Not that I think these questions are in anyway useful or sane in most instances these people are not undertaking a job interview, legally, and most professional athletes aren’t classified as employees either, legally.

Who would have known that complicated infrastructure projects in one of the most densely populated places on earth would be expensive! Certainly not Americans, who have not spent jackshit on infrastructure since their grandparents parents did.

Part of living in a modern democracy is the right to lambaste anyone, which we do regularly. Your point is completely wrong.

You can’t tell me what is reasonable, I will decide what is reasonable because oppression. -TheRoot

Don’t need to delve into minor details when they’ve clearly fucked up Ichigo’s hair which should really be the easiest thing to get right as it looks like the result of trying to die black hair blonde and it comes out this horrible orange/yellow color.

I’m sure this strategy will work out splendidly.

Degrading Course conditions.

There is a history of having at least 1 tie per Olympics, there was talk in the high tech age of going to thousandths but it was decided that it wouldn’t be sporting to do so. 

NBC today aired a merged side by side completion of the race with both racers, at points they had very different lines towards the end and they did actually report 9.8 inches difference at the line.

You forgot ice cream, women only eat ice cream.

Greatest VO2MAX readings ever come from Nordic Ski athletes.

enough about your wedding day, how do you feel about the car?

With my entire family actually being from Africa the lack of corruption jokes is a real bummer but glad to see they’re playing to the American audience.

Demeaning and hateful words that have a century+ separating them from being offensive and hateful to the present day.... you should go chill to Justin Trudeau with this bullshit.