You either hate Boston sports fans or you’re a piece of shit -The Universe
You either hate Boston sports fans or you’re a piece of shit -The Universe
Black Widow, lol.
Doug is neither of those things.
Bone to pick: her main dig is that USC is expensive and so-so academically and I didn’t really see anywhere that you refuted this point nor provided evidence to the contrary, perhaps because there is none? I would love to hear any arguments to the contrary though.
Yeah but how many dentists out of 10 would recommend this?
During the height of PUBG popularity almost every match had a cheater in it in 3rd person mode, because math and statistics.
Well executed? Capt Marvel was a 2h long YouTube video list of top 50 90's things you forgot about combined with another YouTube top 10 cat videos with some dragon ball Z action tacked on the end. I’m convinced people go to see these fucking things just because they want to see the 18 second clip in the credits and…
60 months is fine
Moron public, aka you, refuses to pay to actually buy games so they, you, are to blame.
all replies should be congratulatory circle jerks!
Considering they have made up and entire class of citizen for themselves that no one else has a say in the creation of I would say they aren’t civilians in practice.
Studies have concluded this before but the correlation is spurious due to the high correlation of people who are already very unhealthy and those who consume diet sodas, generally as a band-aid in their minds for their wholly unhealthy lifestyle.
I’d like to start seeing ads for non-eurocentric products, fatberries that make you get huge and die at 45.
You failed to point out what part of reality here is odd.
Even then the water is too warm and you will get your gun wet so better to just stay inside with the AC set to 66.
You can’t change resting evil face
Consumer EVs stopping climate change are the plastic straws of saving the ocean from plastic.
Blizzard was controlled by Vivendi so not sure how this “lesson” applies in this scenario...
Found the MRA dipshit! The only people who should even be aware of internet hate culture slogans, terms and the like are either those participating it or the academics who are studying them. I never heard of fucking incels, any of their lingo until one murdered a bunch of people and I never heard of this red pill…
It would seem this company is just being a bitch and should be blacklisted from future Auctions everywhere.