RIP Homeless man from American Psycho
RIP Homeless man from American Psycho
Your 14 year old son is looking at porn online, deal with it. Also, go fuck yourself.
Can’t prenup the cost of the kid which could be 50k a week, wink wink
There is no shred of reason that he should be other than that he is a white male and it would not be popular for one of these websites to take a steaming dump on any other demographic.
What? He literally says “ample-bosomed” so you thought he was like, big titted big tits? Furthermore, the use of maven here is accurate as the person in question is a fucking EXPERT at fucking, with big tits.
Some kids are still keeping it real based off the fails I’ve seen on failarmy youtube videos, but generally I’d say they play brick and wood ramp simulator on their iProduct.
I would like to see actual analytics showing that the Miramar isn’t popular because my own personal experience doesn’t mesh with it. In the last 2 weeks I’ve had multiple games on Erangel launch with sub 60 people and that has never happened to me, ever on Miramar.
Guy posts proof of American professionalism, idiots take it for something else. Need whatever missing the point .gif is popular right now posted.
Foxconn’s deal is mostly fantasy and based off milestones that are likely to never happen, where as Amazon’s deal can be considered certain in comparison.
The distance closes down to zero when the parent fails to discipline their annoying as fuck child, in public.
Alecia Vikander is giving it the ol college try for Tomb Raider
Valve didn’t partner with them, ESL did and ESL hasn’t paid Valve for rights to DOTA2, they just host tournaments, not only that they take money from Valve to host them. The difference here is that Blizzard sold the media rights to OWL so someone can actually make exclusive deals where as ESL doesn’t own shit so their…
Hey McLaren has taken this input and created the Senna.
Ratings have shown everyone is collectively footballed out, all year long.
I can’t believe Peterhansel is still going strong all these decades.
being anti-treason is common among most politicians.
Are you not aware that Police forces across the US are equipped with surplus military equipment, equipment that they did not have before they became “hyper militarized”?
UFC guys are so tough. No wait, tough isn’t the word.
This is also the problem for using prepaid cards for purchases. If you wish to convert a $100 prepaid card into a $100 amazon gift card or credit to your account you cannot do so because Amazon will charge it $1.00 to confirm the card is legit, reducing the value of the card to $99.00 and then charge you $100.00…
American police are cowards, their profession isn’t dangerous at all and the public allows them to just randomly kill people in the name of police safety. If this was applied to all professions roofers could shoot a few people a day and get away with it.