
If this was actually the case her being darker than the ace of spades as far as royal standards go she never would have received any blessing.

Googling that name results in like an obscene number of assault stories that I don’t give a shit to go through but they involve rape claims, Tarantino sucking her toes, assaults, University inquiries. It is mind blowing really.

All research about alcohol and the brain contradicts the notion that if you can’t remember something you were raped. Some people can blackout with very little consumption and act rationally without remembering what happened. I once played a whole game of texas holdem with a friend who didn’t even remember playing

Both the models aren’t obese thus not representing not only the people who play the game but statistically everyone in the western developed world so, what gives? Are all programmers magazine models by day and make games by night and are only doing what they know?

Why is this not cross posted on sites that people actually visit? I feel like this should be bigger news.

Not wanting to fuck a guy who does gay porn isn’t bigoted, it is sound reasoning.

The police in the US are also notorious cowards.

I think the part in the article where it says that the party was a who’s who of “far-right Jews” is what gave it away for me. Coming in a close second was the after party thrown by a Jewish lobby that only seeks to influence Republicans because of their racist views; it would be a waste of time and money to even

Right? I mean a dog going batshit crazy trying to kill some cats poses no threat at all! Pitbulls only love with licks!

This post is great because of all the replies who say the dog wasn’t threatening. Either they think that being out of control and destroying property while trying to murder another pet is normal for a pitbull or they’re shit-cunts who have a complex that draws them to defend flawed beings like themselves with no

Toronto, where people are neither handsome or handy.

I took a huge stinker this morning also, how can I sell my shit to Univision like you do?

Yeah, apparently in 2017 one person telling the same story to multiple people who have no ability to know something is true or not other than having heard the story counts as corroboration.

Seriously, I presume almost all these people to whom the article is pandering missed the first sentence. “This piece originally appeared in the April 1995 issue of GQ. It is reprinted here with permission.”

Lies are the most powerful thing in the world or are you not living in 2017?

You are spot on, I lived in a city with an EA office that was there just for QA contract work and I met so many people who would tell me they worked for EA and then when I asked what they did it came out that they were QA contractors. This is like saying you work for Warren Buffet if you work for the company that

That’s a funny way to say vehicle that retains value better than anything else on the market. It takes 13 years for an STI to depreciate 50%, whatever car you think is a great non econobox worth your money will achieve that drop in 3 years.

Where as I point out very easily the economic and racial failings of the DNCs approach to white middle America in 2016 and how it cost them the election, something that is documented and realized by everyone involved, and the response is Trump Supporter lacking brains. Enjoy 7 more years of GOP rule dipshit!

We’re you in the shitter when everyone was covering how Hillary skipped all those important white middle class states assuming they were a lock and then she lost them and the election? It’s ok, you were also in the shitter when Xenu was handing out brains.

If you can’t attack people then how come it happens so often?