
I’ve been saying for years that he has resting pedo-face.

If only Mr Block were actually good at racing he wouldn’t have to make smoke for brain dead idiots with a 1600hp AWD “Ford”.

Hey, so 100% of athletes who are doing better than they have any right to be doing so (due to age, illness, common sense) who also have an explanation for it along the lines of special training, special sleeping, very specific eating etc. are fucking cheaters.

The irony about this statement is that the left is being drowned out by the right in the real world while the left is stuck living in the ideal world that doesn’t exist furiously typing away :(

Mike is literally the worst part of the show and I was hoping he would die every fucking episode. Will is also a blight on the show but since he was in season 1 for 5 minutes and in season 2 he is a living MacGuffin for most of the episodes I’ll stick with my wanting them to kill off Mike. 

If you look at the world as it is, and not how you want it to be, then the reasons and motives are perfectly clear.

Are you aware that both sides live in identical bubble based echo chambers and the only difference is the content of what is echoing around?

The acknowledgments of the committee often snub people who are more deserving, though this isn’t one of the cases. He did the theoretical and she did the physical as per her own words, when it comes to these prizes people who design experiments rarely get any recognition in award form. Peter Higgs received the award,

When black people commit violent acts in the name of what they believe is right it is good, what part do you not understand? This is the same blog that praised a black protester for using a homemade flame thrower at a rally because he aimed it at people with Confederate flags. I believe they said it was poetic.

This car appears to be running on racing slicks which are illegal to use on streets as far as I know, though state laws differ I could be wrong. Still I find it moronic to talk about a street legal car doing this run when he has racing slicks on regardless of regulations.

The city will pay out for these pigs as they always do, cost of doing business.

The vast majority of Casting Directors are women, so your hypothetically usage is a stretch. You can look up all the members of C.S.A on their website, filter by Level > Director if you don’t believe me.

I just watched this video an hour ago, get out of my search history!

Does your nipple shield need a lot of polishing or does it still hold up well after all these years?

As I posted elsewhere, if they have a binding arbitration clause in there her potential grievances would never end up in a court of law and most shit bag employers these days force employees to forego their rights to their complaints to ever see a court of law.

If there is a binding arbitration clause in there it would.

So you work for a shitty company or a single owner who runs a practice and doesn’t have time for that shit because the US has no laws protecting you? I know 5 women who have all had babies in the last 12 months who are all veterinary specialists: surgeon, surgeon, radiologist, medicine and derm and they’re all still

America will outlaw manual driving on safety reasons and say that it is to make up for all the people lost to gun violence, which will never go away.

Americans take more offense to a Black man not standing for the anthem than they do from their own President who basically shits on veterans on a regular basis, because deep seated bigotry. Seems like it to me that Americans are the problem here, not the NFL or Jerry Jones.