
This should be banned period, if you do this to your truck on purpose you are a piece of fucking garbage, no exceptions you just are. If you defend people who do this you are also a piece of garbage.

Team photographer here. Endemic of a mentality that thinks that content is worthless. Use something, then pay for it.

CP just because the ad says “have a creative and healthy day”. Also because of the whole frathouse shitter scene on the inside. Ew.

To be fair, there are plenty of people for whom hand washing isn’t always an option.

Cars movies are like Jason Torchinsky articles - you just have to embrace the insanity and ride it out.

I’m done with them. This piece finally did it.

I thought I accidentally opened MSNBC... 76% approval on his speech (FROM CNN!)... all but this tool

Nice to see you don’t let your own political views influence your writing.

You are an asshole.

It’s not an accident if it’s intentional. He’s causing collisions.

You’re the driver that will feature in an article like this one day!

Or... you could just move over.

Intentionally causing collisions is illegal. How about you just get out of the way instead of brake-checking?

Sooo, because they are driving dangerously you decide to cause an accident? Nice move.’re kinda a jerk...(actually, remove the kinda...).

The DNC torpedoed Sanders. There were a couple emails and news stories floating around about it a few months ago.

Had Elizabeth run I could have cast a vote for a nationalist, a populist, a thoughtful and honorable person who carries with her no sense of superiority or pretension. She is noble in her actions and usually in her words. Hell, she wrote a personal finance book that is still working its way through my mind.

No, you haven’t, because 20 years ago they were much less overpriced than they are now.

Everyone would rather blame it on Congress than admit that this administration was a failure. Obama was too concerned with golf trips and visiting with celebrities.

Perhaps Obama should have taken fewer golfing trips and spent more time promoting his agenda. Then all this wouldn’t be “last minute”. Of course the administration was rock solid secure in their belief that the heir apparent would be crowned without a hitch.