
Uh no dipshit. The Native Americans or “Indians” were a primitive scattered set of tribes who where defeated by a stronger and technologically superior society. They fought and lost. The strong survive and the world is cruel. Oh well. Sorry reality hurts your pathetic bleeding heart. They also had no real country,

That cool banner referred to THAT SHIP’S mission being accomplished. Don't think what Facebook tells you to think. You're better than that.

Now playing

Except I’m right. And so is Trump. So eat a dick.

First off, the banner flying behind Bush in a flight suit was because the USS Abraham Lincoln had completed their mission, and the banner was for them, not Bush or the war in Iraq. It was a bad optic, but mainly because the Media purposely used it as such. Of course, you may know that, but you’re intellectually

Really well said, but this article strikes me as something Tyler was pushed into writing. He is usually much more even handed. This article was drivel. It said absolutely nothing aside from a few wise cracks. Anyway, if the republicans get this much crap on defense issues, i can only imagine how hard the democrats

I like to be on Jalopnik for cars, not politics.

And you seriously think Obama knew what that was before the Media and stupid Americans en mass threw the nuclear football to him?

Great that they’re thinking outside of the box, coming up with new ideas. That whole everything has to echo back to something else we did stuff was getting really old.

First of all, this is looks freaking awesome, but why the hell is there a “planet killing superweapon” in the background? Are they seriously doing ANOTHER movie centered around what is basically the Deathstar? I don’t understand! HOW? We’ve already had two movies based on taking down a planet destroying superweapon!!

You’re even denser than I thought. I guess I needed a sentence explicitly telling you why taking a stance against racism AND ripping white men all of the time is hypocritical. Sorry for overrating your intelligence. That's on me.

So you’re going to vote for an old Communist or a boring liar? Who’s the crazy one?

Challenge: This is the most liberal site I’ve read (yes, even worse than the Huffington Post). If Deadspin releases an article dissing the Democratic ticket, then I will post a video of myself running naked across a tennis court.

These fuckwits won’t be happy until we’re ALL living in poverty. Not sure who they’ll blame then, though.

As a descendant of Hungary I have to star this. The media and asshats like Gawker are full of feels and misinformation.

I’m from Hungary and I can tell you that these news are totally bullshit, all that Hungary do is protecting it’s borders from illegal immigration. The situation is completely different. The immigrants did several damage to the local people and the country: they are going to the houses of the old people and they take

No, it doesn’t suck. I would have been perfectly content to not see a walker for the first 2 or 3 episodes. The focus here is supposed to be the breakdown of society. In TWD we are thrown into things in media res, and that was the right choice for show they had no idea was going to make it.

I’d call it a nationalist immigration policy, and an unfair one at that, but referring to something as “ethnic cleansing” leads one to believe that someone, anyone died. Would be like referring to summer school as a “concentration camp”.

You lost me when you referred to an immigration policy as ethnic cleansing.