
Yeah ok. That's likely to happen.

Uh no, his point is dead on dumb ass.

“I can crack any smartphone, within a week. Just give me the tools and I can do it. Why can’t the FBI do the same?”

It’s actually called LEAP (law enforcement availability pay) which all special agents get. It’s basically 25% of your salary on top of your base. You are correct that to start at 70k (gl-9) you’d have to be well qualified, but from there it’s only 3 years to journeyman 13 which is well over 100k adding in locality and

No arguments here it is criminal

They are paid way more than your avg military guy. That agency has a lot of issues but “low pay” as you keep saying is not one of them

Uh it's not a low paying job. They make the same as any other special agent and rack up overtime and holiday pay. Low to mid 6 figures. As for the travel etc. yes it's a meat grinder and it's tough for them to keep agent from transferring to other agencies

So you say SJW.

And you are a brainless SJW fuckwit.

Oh so you are resorting to bottom of the barrel homophobic insults now? I must have struck a nerve. What kind of a twisted SJW leftist are you?? Lol!! The gawker lynch mobs would eat you for breakfast. Oh and your attempts at prose aren’t exactly shakespeare either Einstein. You say you speak four languages, I’d work

Great response shit stain did it take you an hour to think that one up with your 145 IQ? You have No idea what I do or have done and I can assure you it is not flipping burgers. If our leaders in the past thought the way you do we would have no country today or any of the benefits of that your sorry excuse for an

Uh no dipshit. The Native Americans or “Indians” were a primitive scattered set of tribes who where defeated by a stronger and technologically superior society. They fought and lost. The strong survive and the world is cruel. Oh well. Sorry reality hurts your pathetic bleeding heart. They also had no real country,

Lol am I getting under your skin?? You just can't seem to stop replying. Hilarious. Left of center....yeah right. Like Hilary.

Lol! And this is coming from a brainless moron saying everyone except a Native American is an illegal alien. Go back to your rat hole and go smoke your weed. Don't you have some Twitter slacktivism to to get busy with?? Gotta stick it to the man right??

Whatever you say comrade Stalin. Power to the workers!

The native Americans were a scattered bunch of primitive tribes, defeated by a superior society. They lost their land, the strong survive and prevail that is how nature works. Their rightful land is our land now and will be so until they can take it back by force.

There were no insults in my post. I was merely stating fact. That is exactly what you are.

If it means pushing back the sick twisted worldview that people like you hold, than yes I and millions of others will gladly vote for trump.

Why waste my time? You are a typical brainwashed leftist ideologue. I’d get more out of conversing with a brick wall.

Thanks it's a gift.