Holy shit when did Rhonda get fat and ugly?
Holy shit when did Rhonda get fat and ugly?
Be curious to know who the largest man is to ever pull off an Iron Cross.
The only person who deserves more hate than Tom Ley is Stan Kroenke.
God damn there are some very, VERY, unattractive females working for Jezebel.
Such lethal cunning!
I’m all in favor of full naked tennis. Played it once at a nudist colony.
Came here for this; was not disappointed.
Men aren’t scared. The majority have simply come to their senses that in today’s litigous society, where 75% of all divorces are initiated by the woman, there’s simply too much risk compared to the benefits.
Keep criticizing him in public. That will certainly help matters.
Uhhh.... Don’t you mean NHL 94? It is the greatest version of the greatest video game ever made...
Just make catches non-challengeable. Period.
Bruins look like the team playing the best hockey with the most depth. They made the Lightning look average the other night.
Keep telling yourself that Facebook doesn’t have people dedicated to promoting it’s brand on the internet.
Wife and I are about to start shopping for our first house. # 4 on the top 10 must have list?
Wife and I are about to start shopping for our first house. # 4 on the top 10 must have list?
Josh Rosen has an incredibly punchable face.
Taking 1 Fish Oil and 1 Fish+Flax+Borage oil pill each day in 60 days lowered my cholesterol 80 points and reduced my triglycerides from 400 to 200.
Saudi Arabia should start an professional (American) football league, but eliminate most of the player protection rules. I’d watch that shit in a heartbeat.
You really won’t give up with this unionizing will solve of all mankind’s problems thing will you, Hamilton?
These are some tremendous first world problems people have. Impressive.
Hamilton Nolan proposes more government as the solution to a problem. In other news, it’s dark at night.