Gawker's Comeuppance

I have a gut feeling that McGregor is going to get so frustrated that he just starts throwing knees or elbows and the fight gets DQ’d.... Poor man is in for a serious beating...


You seem like a very angry person, Mr. Nolan. I’ve noticed you rarely post light hearted or “positive” articles. Why so angry?

This comment admittedly adds no value to this discussion. That said...

“I am so close to quitting the NFL.” Implies that he is a football player, not a watcher. For if he was a watcher, then surely he would have stated “....quitting watching the NFL.”, no?

Do you even know what the point of attack is defined as?

Another wise guy “claiming” to be a professional football player on Deadsin... How about you prove it?

How about we stop telling people what they should and should not do, period.

Mindfulness has always paid dividends for me when dealing primarily with difficult women in the workplace. It’s much easier to deal with men the majority of the time.

Dickheads gonna dickhead... C’est la vie

Hack writers - stop imposing your will on others; live and let live.

Hack writers - stop imposing your will on others; live and let live.

You’re the dickhead for not showing your common man some fucking courtesy.

Jon Jones is the champion, but DC is the People’s Champion.

Praying to the flying spaghetti monster for a car sized meteor to wipe of most of capitol hill.

The older I get, the more convinced I become of the existence of a God, and of a God that is just as vicious, vindictive, and callous as the God of biblical times....

Fuck this guy he’s a maniac. three slices of muenster or nothing.

The only game that ever got Capture the Flag right is the Unreal Tournament series, with UT99 being the greatest version of them all. The current version they have out is in Pre-alpha, called UT4. This is because UT has two distinct things that allow for incredibly faced paced and competitive games: The Translocator

Is it just me or is our boy Leo starting to get a fat face?

Seriously. I’d call that guy a lot of things, with fat not being one of them. That is some impressive athleticism right there. Jesus Christ himself couldn’t have done it better.