Gawker's Comeuppance

Hurricane? Good lord, ain’t nobody got time fo dat.

Greatest Deadspin reply ever....

Top 5 Most Corrupt Organizations in the World:

Wait until Ball Hockey gets into the Olympics. That shit is incredibly fun to watch and the most addicting sport to play when you get good at it.

When I was stationed at Ft. Polk, LA in the early 1990s, they had a spades tournament. I’m white. This black guy asked me to be his partner.

What does this have to do with becoming a better man? And why are the majority of articles on this blog written by women?

Ladies, on behalf of heterosexual men everywhere, let me just say that we are SHOCKED and APPALLED at this behavior!!! it will not stand!!! We kindly demand that in a show of unity, all large breasted women wear tank tops all day on Friday May 20th.

My favorite Arnold movie of all time. Cannot give this enough stars.

They’ll just be replaced by racist Millenials.

He’s not overpaid. They’ll realize that if he gets hurt. Trust me. Nothing deflates a team faster in the playoffs than anxiety about goaltending.

Goaltending wins playoff games. It’s as simple as that. You CANNOT overpay for great goaltending.

“You know what really hurts a lot of people out there? If you know any history about Ric Flair then you know that the difference between me, and just about everybody else is: I was born with a golden spoon in my mouth. NOBODY LIKES THAT. Oh they might say ‘Ric Flair’s a good guy.’? It’s the old adage that you like to

I’ve been a referee for over 20 years. Until you’ve worn the stripes, you won’t understand issues like this.

As much as I want to say GOOD! FUCK BRADY!

We’ve been fixing matches in the Unreal Tournament community for over a decade. I’ve personally made about 22 grand throwing matches in Capture The Flag.

For the umpteenth time, LOL @ a blog “for men” written almost entirely by women.

QUick has to have that first one. It’s a tough stop but he is paid to make those kind of saves.

Glad to see feminists laughing and joking about male genitalia mutilation.

Wait did you say the gardner’s name is “Lawn”? Woah.... that’s like an ice cream man named “Cone”.

Erin go bragh in one.