

The fact that you’re afraid of automation instead of embracing it shows how perverse it is that the rich control the means of production. In a sane world, we’d all be looking forward to working 15 hours a week and having the rest as free time. But for that we have to seize power from the rich. UBI doesn’t go far

It doesn’t have to be that way. Legislatures are a holdover from a system designed to prevent the ordinary person from having power. People can take power themselves by unionizing, organizing to resist their landlords’ greed, etc., in a way that doesn’t require actually holding a legislative seat. The recent teachers’

Organize! If your job is already unionized what about your apartment complex? What about your neighborhood association? Getting people engaged in politics in a way that makes a real difference for them here and now will keep them engaged in the future. It’s much harder for the forces of apathy and suppression to

Just use whatever canned phrase comes to mind. Nobody who isn’t a blogger hoping Forbes won’t notice they’re not earning their pay gives a shit. Working life is an endless series of petty cliches and you’re not getting paid to innovate some novel way of telling people they’re flakes.

Diversity of tactics. Give them a choice between being educated and being considered idiot bigots.

You don’t want to celebrate the fact that a religious cult so hated in England - among other things, for their constant attempts to cancel Christmas - that they had to flee the country was found starving and nearly dead by Native Americans who had to teach them the most basic elements of survival, and repaid those

I was probably wearing a black t-shirt and jeans, as per usual, and told people I was “ego death incarnate” or “the coming digital media apocalypse”

It’s also an attempt to shift the Overton window even farther to the right by getting lots of people talking about it like it was a reasonable thing for reasonable people to discuss.

...which is why there are so many people in prison for the most absolute bullshit things.

Forbes’ write-up about the election result was largely a celebration of the investment opportunities, with a short “oh by the way he’s not very nice” tossed off to make it appear like they’re not flat-out fascists.

They’re not trying to sneak in. They’re trying to present themselves for asylum.

Nope. She’s a Nazi. I wonder how long it will take her to realize that all Nazi men abuse women and children to make themselves feel powerful because that’s the whole point of a political philosophy that puts some people below others.

“We’re trying to repeal preexisting conditions coverage because we want to support it” is right up there with “we’re spending millions to repeal net neutrality because we believe in net neutrality” on the scale of Republican and corporate lies.

Brand new, first month with them.

That’s all well and good if you’re white, straight, and cis. If you’re not, the places you can live safely are much more restricted. Most affordable areas are subject to governments that are at best vaguely hostile toward queer people and people of color.

Do you happen to have a link to the bento box you use? All the reviews I’ve looked at have made me hesitant to buy one because they usually mention that they’re leaky, and I walk/take public transit to work so I need something that can stand up to being thrown in a backpack and not leak.

I am currently waiting for Arcadia Power’s customer service to explain to me why they didn’t pay my utility bill like they were supposed to, and I will update this post if it is resolved satisfactorily, but so far my experience with them has not been positive.

Never forget, you saw it here with your own eyes: right-wing “moderates” would rather see genocide than poor people with enough to eat.

Patriot Prayer has claimed - and I am inclined to believe them - that some of the Portland Police Bureau are members of Patriot Prayer. So yeah, of course they’re going to give their “brothers” their guns back.