
That’s all well and good if you’re white, straight, and cis. If you’re not, the places you can live safely are much more restricted. Most affordable areas are subject to governments that are at best vaguely hostile toward queer people and people of color.

Do you happen to have a link to the bento box you use? All the reviews I’ve looked at have made me hesitant to buy one because they usually mention that they’re leaky, and I walk/take public transit to work so I need something that can stand up to being thrown in a backpack and not leak.

I am currently waiting for Arcadia Power’s customer service to explain to me why they didn’t pay my utility bill like they were supposed to, and I will update this post if it is resolved satisfactorily, but so far my experience with them has not been positive.

Never forget, you saw it here with your own eyes: right-wing “moderates” would rather see genocide than poor people with enough to eat.

Patriot Prayer has claimed - and I am inclined to believe them - that some of the Portland Police Bureau are members of Patriot Prayer. So yeah, of course they’re going to give their “brothers” their guns back.

Whatever he’s dealing with shouldn’t be maligned, as mental illness is a serious problem.

There are rarely any consequences for the guilty, much less the innocent. However, that doesn’t make false accusations OK. If you are genuinely concerned about the impact of false accusations on people’s lives there are a number of things you can do:

Anybody else notice how much he sounds like Alex Jones? Just crank up the sputtering rage a couple notches and they could be the same guy.

There are YouTubers who have compared the official samples they received from sponsors with the samples they had friends buy as regular customers and found them wildly divergent in quality. Imagine the consequences if that were the case for a mental health app.

This is for text/call-based apps, correct? I have video teletherapy through my insurer and as far as I can tell it’s no different from being there in person.

Ah, but there’s the rub. Who would ultimately hear a case on that? The Supreme Court.

Was not. Is now.

As long as we let it.

Yeah, I get the point people were trying to make now. I kinda skipped over that bit since it shouldn’t work anyway.

Well, that was uneventful.

Only from 1776-1941 and then again from August 6, 1945.

“I am too weak to run a Congressional hearing. Now make me president!”

Money and power are incompatible with morality. The people you hope will step up do not exist.

I am definitely doing something wrong in my deadlift form, as I am getting terrible back pain doing simple things like picking up a fork I dropped on the ground. This was a great reminder that I need to get that sorted out.

The Clintons have done some messed-up things. Deliberately losing a presidential election so they can get involved in a complex scheme to fail to torpedo a Supreme Court nomination is almost certainly not one of them.