
once retirement kicks in


There’s also the stereotype of Asians being docile and polite, which is what white Americans think all non-whites should be.

There was never any ideological divide between Nazi Germany and US elites. If the Japanese hadn’t bombed Pearl Harbor, the United States would probably have remained “neutral” right up until it became a German puppet state. The scientists whisked away to the US and given cushy high-influence jobs under Operation

55% of white people think they’re discriminated against for being white. 55%. No matter how many times I read that number I keep thinking it can’t be right. Over...half? 50% plus 5% more?

Literally nobody ever. It’s just a dog whistle to get around the fact that if you straight-up advocate lynching, Twitter might someday eventually possibly get around to banning you maybe (if enough people flag it and it gets covered by a few influential blogs).

My boss used a great one today: crafting an email. Get over yourself, dude. You’re a middle manager, not a craftsman.

How is “open the kimono” not immediately flagged by HR in this day & age?

Ohhh, you’re an AnCap. No, anarcho-capitalism cannot ever work. You need the state (or a nonstate force sufficiently statelike to eliminate any meaningful difference) to enforce private property rights.

Anarchism does work in practice. It just doesn’t work for very long because the conservatives and/or Marxist-Leninist-Maoists murder all the anarchists. Without counterrevolutionaries and authoritarian communists mucking it up, it’d work just fine. (A bit like communism in general: we have no models for how well it

Did somebody say police?

The internet as we know it evolved on phone lines on which ISPs leased bandwidth from the telecoms. They had competitors, so they had to innovate service and lower prices. Those ISPs are now extinct. The new ISPs have their own infrastructure and no competitors, with a multibillion-dollar infrastructure moat (along

Companies don’t care about bad press unless it can affect them. Since there is no competition among ISPs, you can complain until the cows come home and it won’t make any difference. And thanks to the multibillion-dollar infrastructure moat, I wouldn’t hold my breath on this new player ever coming to town.

Yes, companies often spend millions of dollars lobbying for rule changes they don’t intend to take advantage of.

Pity it isn’t fatal.

It’s OK. This article is obviously a liberal conspiracy to wussify American Nazis, so we can safely assume they will continue to drink it regardless.

Thanks to my company’s constant pursuit of the new next new now new exciting new productivity/culture/branding exercise, this is almost my literal job description.

So it’ll be even more of an open-world inventory management simulator. How exciting.

This is the best advice. Things change, generational differences exist (you will not find anyone under 40 in Seoul who gives a shit whether your hands are in your pockets), and English-speaking writers miss or misinterpret things. Do your best and learn how to at least say “hello,” “please,” “thank you,” and “I’m