
I’m far to the left of the Democrats and I agree with almost everything you just said. Both parties are just looking for how they can get the most bribes donations, and none of them give two shits whether anyone outside their immediate families lives or dies.

*When* there’s a leak.


You’ll never get a book deal with that attitude.

A plant-based diet isn’t necessarily about being healthy. I became vegan because I felt bad about the animals. I could have given a fuck less about health. It wasn’t until after I went vegan (and began approaching forty) that I gave much thought to health.

Sitting costs 30 merits per minute.

So much of this is wrong.

Don’t worry. They probably only drink Soylent, and haven’t actually tasted salt themselves for many years. This is that kind of idea.

25,000 children per year age out of foster care without ever being adopted. Adding more unwanted children to a system that already can’t place them all is not a solution, particularly given that only 36 percent of abortion patients are white women whose children are reasonably likely to be adopted.

Here’s the thing: when insurance companies (or anyone else) are allowed to charge unlimited amounts of money for something you’d die without, they do. No plan will get cheaper. They already set that baseline. What you’ll see is the currently-unaffordable Obamacare plans (and yes, they’re unaffordable, by design:

Google Inbox is a great extension or alternative sign-in or whatever you want to call it for Gmail. All your promos and newsletters are automatically sorted into groups you can ignore, mass delete, or go through and unsubscribe from. And you’re not giving your data to anybody who doesn’t already have it.

Yeah, back in the 1980s there were no other forms of entertainment to occupy your time. Before video games were invented people got jobs because their only other option was literally watching paint dry.

This didn’t just happen in a vacuum though. The ISPs lobbied for it. That’s a pretty strong indication that they intend to start selling your data sooner or later.

Depends what you mean by protected. Your company probably logs your traffic through that VPN, so don’t do anything you don’t want them to know about.

Get CERT trained. Most of the people in CERT are not insane and are getting ready for earthquakes/tornadoes/hurricanes/name your most likely local disaster. I thought I was pretty well-prepared until I did CERT. Turns out I was wrong.

This is exactly how I realized I needed to formalize my data analysis skills, especially in the area of big data. None of the job postings were looking for people who do what I do anymore.

I must have read it wrong; I thought you had to accept electronic delivery and have at least $50,000 invested.

Plus you’re either paying trading fees if you go through a brokerage, or you’re paying $20/year for having less than $50,000 invested if you purchase directly from Vanguard. If you’re putting it all in at once, you should go through the brokerage and earn nothing on the first $400-800 (assuming $4.99-9.99 trading

We always made the signal tower. Nothing more fun for a kid than sitting two stories high on nothing but wood and rope.

While these things are all technically enforceable (if they can prove it), the IRS doesn’t really care about your $150 in gifts or occasionally mowing your neighbor’s lawn. I knew a real estate broker who represented small business owners in their lease negotiations in exchange for free goods & services instead of