
She could hit her head and have a flashback of somebody else’s experience, it could be a dream she has before they get there, she could walk through a door and then suddenly be riding a rollercoaster, she could be having visions/hallucinations as she gets farther into the park...

A baby is overqualified.

I continue to believe I can best serve the country and this conference as Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee.

This week I took whatever was in the fridge that could be microwaved, wrapped it in a tortilla, and called it a burrito. Then I did it again. I will do it two or three more times this week.

The only time in the last 5 years that I’ve turned 38 was right after the ONE time I watched Wes Craven’s New Nightmare.

You could say the same thing about Amnesia. The monsters in that game are only scary until you figure them out, and after that they’re mostly annoying. The scariest parts of that game happen when you know you’re not in any danger at all.

Lotta people seem to have skipped the paragraph where you said achievements are great if done well.

I just preemptively don’t spend my time and energy getting to know anyone. It’s super effective!

It would be a way for Peeple to SMS the person the reviewer claims is the person being reviewed. How do they know that’s the real phone number?

The landlord of my rent-controlled building is trying to force us out again by making it impossible to pay the rent - they do this once every few months - so yeah. I’d pay my goddamn rent if I could.

If you meant vague and cheap feelgoodery isn’t meaningful, then it has nothing to do with anything. If you meant vague and cheap feelgoodery isn’t an effective way to market a coffee business, then Starbucks is an example of that not being true.

Former commercial real estate agent weighing in:

Vague and cheap feelgoodery like Starbucks’ endless greenwashing campaigns? I think they’ll do just fine.

Assuming the BMOC/Prom Queen Who Peaked In High School cliche is based on some real experiences and not just bitter screenwriters’ wish fulfillment, I’m sure you’re right. But I’m guessing none of those people comment on Jezebel.

I sure hope you’re right.

Easy to make a positive review that only says negative things. Someone can put up a 5-star review that is sexist, mentions private health conditions, outs someone as queer, etc. How good do you think their algorithm is at catching that stuff? Hint: bad. So it goes up, and then maybe someone reports it, and then maybe

Black Mirror isn’t science fiction. It’s just a bunch of stuff that hasn’t happened yet.

There’s nothing worse than high school. If anybody tells you these are the best years of your life, slap them directly in the face.

I barely survived high school. If I went now there’s about a 99% I wouldn’t. What with the cyberbullying and all. Regular bullying was bad enough.

I’m hesitant to play a meta game after The Stanley Parable (oh Steam refunds, where were you when I needed you?) but this could be so good if done right.