It doesn’t hurt. Being rich is cheap; being poor is expensive.
It doesn’t hurt. Being rich is cheap; being poor is expensive.
My maternal uncle’s family thinks dinosaurs never existed, and dinosaur bones were put on Earth by God to test man’s faith.
I thought Orion was kind of fun. You run around, you shoot dinosaurs, you drive vehicles, you shoot dinosaurs. What’s not to like?
Eeesh. Maybe I’ll stick to New Vegas.
Eeesh. Maybe I’ll stick to New Vegas.
How much tinkering? I’ve almost bought that game 100 times but I’m scared off by the patching and modding required to make it run.
How much tinkering? I’ve almost bought that game 100 times but I’m scared off by the patching and modding required…
...and you almost definitely have a clause in your contract that says you can’t make public statements harmful to the business, so either way he’s fucked.
I have a huge problem with not wanting to play games when I haven’t played their prequels, and it’s really coming to a head with The Witcher 3 because it’s supposed to be so good, but The Witcher is goddamned unplayable. I don’t even understand how part 2 got made.
First I’d heard about this. Immediately backed it. Thanks Kotaku!
It really bugs me that the best way to get discounts on media is to buy physical media. I can get Firefly for $15, delivered to me on three shiny pieces of garbage packed in a plastic garbage case, wrapped in plastic garbage, and shipped in an inexplicably large garbage cardboard box stuffed with plastic garbage to…
It really bugs me that the best way to get discounts on media is to buy physical media. I can get Firefly for $15,…
She has to have been on something else if she was “extremely disoriented” when the police came. Nitrous highs are very short-lived. Between the crash and the arrival of police she’d have sobered up.
Whipped cream uses nitrous oxide as an accelerant because it’s a food product so you can’t use poison. Non-food products like computer cleaner can use poison.
Judging by the comments, it looks like the only consequence of this little snarl is a ton of free publicity for Blind.
Ohhh I get it. Upgrade = free, new = not free.
Nobody’s getting it before July 29. Pre-registering just means you don’t have to go download it.
Oh that’s good. I’m not up on Windows 10 news. The phrase “as a service” just makes me nervous.
Microsoft has also been pitching the idea of Windows as a service pretty heavily.
When asked about the kiss, Madonna said: “I kissed a girl, and I liked it.”
If my best friend was constantly on my wife’s jock in very public ways, I’d probably refrain from going to his wedding too. I can’t imagine how awkward it must be to be Beyonce or Jay-Z or Kim K and constantly having to deal with Kanye grabbing whatever mic’s handy to tell everybody how much he loves Bey.
I couldn’t consider the crust question because I was too busy trying to figure out why you’d have a knife and a fork to eat pizza.