
That's interesting, because back to at least 17 years old when she released Alter Ego she didn't sound anything like the other women coming out of Chicago. Maybe she was trying to, but her lyrics were too good? She stole Sasha Go Hard's "Problem", and I say that loving Sasha Go Hard.

Jesus, can we please have birth control for men already? No known side effects, no having to watch the woman you care about go through all kinds of bullshit because HBC causes health problems/IUD causes too much pain and cramping/etc. Oh, and it's more reliable because you can't forget to do it. Oh, and women aren't

The best thing about the boss one is that the director probably does have that problem (being a "posh-UES type" who presumably makes more money than the manager), but thinks it's unbelievably gauche to discuss it like that. Also the director's property is probably somewhere a lot nicer than Florida. It works on so

THANK YOU. I'm surprised Her Honor let that slide.

"OK, fellow members of the GOP. I've gathered you all here today to see whether we can double down on our unconstitutional law with something even more unconstitutional. Ideas?"

Are you trolling or are you really that far gone? It's a show written and produced by Tina Fey with a nearly all-woman cast (there is one male star, and very few recurring male characters). The intro song is a mockery of a common trope in post-tragedy neighborhood interviews. You couldn't be farther off the mark if

Ain't no twitter in heaven.

Oh my god I have a great bad-motel story. My now-ex wife and I were staying at some seedy motel. We had just gotten in and were going to watch some TV to wind down from a very long drive. I went to grab the TV remote and felt something sort of sticky/slimy. I didn't immediately realize it, but the texture seemed

you must verify your identity and then prove you didn't consent to having your photo or whatever else used...the offending tweeter's account will be suspended

I seem to be the only one who interpreted Lena's tweet as meaning emotional pain, not sartorial pain. Like, if you're a middle-aged man in an ill-fitting suit, your life is probably roughly like that of Gil, the salesman from The Simpsons.

That's awesome. I sometimes get all dressed up and put on full makeup just to play video games or watch TV. Ironically, I rarely get all dressed up and put on full makeup when I'm actually going out.

You sound like me, right down to the whole pizza and Netflix (in the past 5 days, I have watched 4 seasons of Sabrina The Teenage Witch). I'm like, sure, I'll date somebody, as long as I never have to make any effort to do anything their way ever. One band I don't like on somebody's OKCupid profile and I'm like, "Nah,

Concert tickets not so much either. More than record sales, yeah, but unless you're above the clubs level you're not making much on the door either. The real money is in merch.

I'm more of a heavily heartbroken, bitter Jezzie, but I'll rejoice with you anyway.

If only the Hollywood Walk of Fame would follow suit.

I don't care how "athleisure" your clothing is, if you paid $100 for your Lululemon leggings you do not have the right to be called a slob. That's more than I paid for my entire outfit (not including shoes).

Every season except the first feels like they spent a ton of time coming up with the theme, casting, designing sets, and then the day before filming went, "Oh shit! We forgot to write anything! Quick, just jot down whatever."

Their names even rhyme. The only way that character could be more obviously Rihanna is if she had a Barbadian accent.

Are we watching the same show? Hakeem's the talentless commercialized rapper we all know so well from the radio these days. He's never been represented as having real talent - the main people who tell him he's the talented one are his father and stepmother, who both have an agenda. He's pretty solidly depicted as the

It's way smarter than TasteKid, which I only ever used for music, so I'm quite pleased.