Gawker Media is shit shit shit

I’ll save everyone the time

God, those whites are at it again! This time they’re using their own money for tutors for their children! Jesus, don’t they know that other poorer students don’t have access to those funds and cannot equivalently educate their own children? Don’t those whites know that there are children in India, Africa, everywhere

I’m picturing you drooling on yourself as you type. Close? “ez”? Yes, bitch-smacking you up and down the thread wasn’t exactly taxing, but I can hardly claim credit for something so “ez”.

Right, I acknowledged that I was giving you what you wanted, which was to say that Affirmative Action is ass, even though that had nothing to do with my OP. And though I confess your begging and sniveling for more argument was heart-rending, we both know, I hope, that you just aren’t up for it. I wish you were, as I

I am deeply relieved all is good between us. Although, again, your inability to read carefully, or understand the motivations of others or even slang terms in common parlance, has played you false. If I were concern-trolling, I would be pretending to be on your side (I know this is very hard for you to comprehend, but

I would be happy to tell you more, but it’s nuanced, complex stuff. I highly doubt you’re capable of absorbing it.

Actually, I think racism against white people is literally stoking racism against black people. That’s part of what’s animating Trumpism. God knows it’s doing black people no favors, which I think the majority of same realize.

I’m not gonna lie: my hair is fuckin off the hook, yo.

My boss paid somebody $200 per essay to review her son’s and edit them and provide suggestions for him based on his life experience. The concept is strange to me. I was skeptical, but her son did do the actual writing on each draft so at least it wasn’t dishonest in that sense. I find it odd Jia regarded it as the

Yes, surprisingly, “I never heard of it” does not mean a thing doesn’t exist; you are now, if I am using the term correctly, officially “woke”. Peace out.

No one can complain about one shitty thing while another shitty thing exists? Ok. Also my experience is that most of the white people who were either ok with or advocated AA were from the privileged class. Which of course, they need something to assuage their white guilt and their position at the schools/society is

Fuck me sideways, did you just “lol” me? That is utterly unfair, because there is no coming back from when someone lols you. Well fucking played. Slain!

I’m going to go with the unpopular opinion: you weren’t doing anything wrong, and Abigail Fishers aren’t to blame for this. Hold on before you burn me at the stake here.

you can’t “kind of know someone” if you’ve never met them or talked ot them.

Happy to oblige:

Couldn’t agree more. Honestly the whole part of this article that was trying to depict tutoring as some “shameful” act was bizarre to me.

No reason to be more ashamed of a tutoring gig than any other type of employment (regardless of what the result was; like, seriously, should Apple store employees be ashamed of working for Apple because they’re implicitly supporting the horrible treatment of factory workers overseas?). Your boyfriend sounds like a

Gawker Media likes to use the definition for “institutional racism” instead of just “racism,” since “institutional racism” is something minorities can necessarily never be guilty of.

Why did you go to UVA and get a BA in English (or do anything in this essay and on your resume) if you had perfect SATs?

“Becky” is a racist and sexist and slut-shaming slang term. Very glad to see Jezebel is loosening up.