Way to White Knight! I wouldn’t ever expect anything else from a SJW!!!!
Way to White Knight! I wouldn’t ever expect anything else from a SJW!!!!
Gawker covers news from Europe all the time. NEVER EVER do they cover South Africa, unless it is to suck off Nelson Mandela’s corpse. South African daily news contradicts Gawker’s dipshit “progressive narrative” too much.
Nice try on East Timor, or actually not, seeing as how Gawker didn’t even exist when that was…
“Of course ‘Becky with the bad grades’ is a ridiculous human being”
She should be killed for her anti-progressive whiteness!!!!
white guilt makes you stupid
“and I was always made aware of my privilage as part of the ‘white class’ in places like South Africa,”
Black-”governed” South Africa is a total shit-hole now, with at least 20 different violent riots every single day. I wonder why Gawker/Jezebel never ever covers the daily news from South Africa?
“send their kids to school with black kids.”
What kind of “advantage” do you purport exists by sending white kids to school with black kids?
Whites are the worst! Kill whitey!!!
“to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.” - This is without a doubt the dumbest phrase ever concocted by libtards.
Jesus fucking Christ, quit using the fucking idiotic term “woke” already.