
Just repeating "camera strapped to his head" over and over doesn't make this article funny. Jeez, your writers need writers.

For RMJ-H, this is typically referred to as "making a very old reference in a stupid and lame attempt to be funny."

You guys never cease to amaze me! You make people look silly by posting caps of them in the middle of talking! His mouth is open! His eyes are shut! You guys really are all grown up, aren't you?!?

Hahahaha! You used the word "dick" because it's funny! You're such a goddamn hack. How do you get work? I'm very serious about this.

Shut up, you fucking idiot.

Really? So you're the arbiter of who's a "good guy" and who isn't?

Never engage a Deadspin writer. You'll only get snark and defensiveness in return "bro."

He's a Deadspin writer. Based on what I've seen here, it's laziness and stupidity.

You can't be that stupid. Really?

This might be the stupidest thing anyone's ever posted on Deadspin. Congratulations, moron.

Wow. Just when I think there couldn't be an unfunnier post than the last one I saw, here comes another moron with even fewer brain cells. Why is the world covered with idiots like you?

Or we'd just contact your parents.

Another insipid, non-story, brought to you by the King of All Hacks, Samer Kalaf. I bet your mom is so proud of you.

Yep. You're no horse trainer allright.

Idiot makes blanket statement. The end.

Leave it to Drew Magary to take a subject that rarely gets talked about in public in a serious way, and turn in into a stupid, snarky and completely useless "article." I don't understand the point of you.

Not funny. Try again.

I don't know you, but I think I love you.

All the stupid memes you guys promote here with clickbait headlines are just mash-ups of pop culture things, so... you know... shut up you hack.

"New book?" I read this at least three years ago. Do you guys do any basic research whatsoever? Honestly, do you?