
486 people liked this awful joke. Now I know why Adam Sandler gets to keep making movies.

That's awesome. It still doesn't change the fact that Diesel isn't funny in the least.


This being said by someone who posts an animated GIF. I think there's some kids on Reddit who want some more of you dick pics. Bye, bye!

Dude, this doesn't concern you. Go back to your coloring books.

It still wouldn't have been funny with the image, you stupid piece of trash. Seriously, you're not funny. Please stop. Thanks!

Good. You've learned your lesson. Leave the comedy to the pros, you idiot.

We got your joke the first time. It wasn't funny then, and explaining it doesn't make it any funnier. Moron.

Do you not have a job.? Jesus Christ. Give it a rest.

Another day. Another idiot poster. Another joke devoid of any cleverness, intelligence or humor.

Let's see if the NBA suspends him for the next game like they did Zach Randolph.

Something you would have included in your original post if you weren't such a goddamn hack. People shouldn't have to ask you such obvious questions in the comments if you bothered to at least pretend to be a real writer.

It's basketball, you fucking hack. Do you ever write anything, or just post pictures?

"...except the most obvious." Sean Newell showing that he knows nothing about football. Idiot.

Only an asshole speaks with such conviction on something he knows nothing about.

Comedy is hard, dude.

Pretty dismissive, Kalaf. A real writer would use this opportunity to write a real article on this. That certainly isn't you, though. Your silence speaks volumes.

My god, you are useless. Are you really a writer? You're obviously too cowardly to respond to any criticism of you. How do you justify your job? Seriously.

I'd like to see how you would do under the pressure of being on television. A lot of those questions seemed to have not-as-obvious second answers. "Embarrassing" indeed.