
Yes, you are misinterpreting that.

Yeah fine, there are a couple of these. Notice the ‘or something’ that follows. I’m simply saying: do something besides stay at the same party with someone who just raped you.

That’s fine. If they can shed some light on why that’s not weird, I’d love to hear it. That’s not sarcasm.

This is what’s strange. There was a previous post on DS that seemed to intimate she did.

You failed to mention that Brugge might be terrible. Even in the shit Jupiter League they are already struggling.

It’s obvious that people are selfish and refuse to think in ways that don’t translate into fucking environmental ruin and the waste of resources (land, fuel, time, etc.).

If you want to win an NBA championship there is zero value is being the Nuggets or the Hawks. I know that because neither team has even been in an NBA Finals (at least for the Hawks since they left St Louis 50 years ago). So you have to either be a destination that can land an NBA free agent superstar, or you have to

Even better... it’s never getting better as long as Jeff Fisher has a pulse. With Kroenke as an owner, Fisher is basically coach for life (or for as long as he wants to make that one Super Bowl appearance seem more and more anomalous).

Fixed that pic for you.

Yep, Goodell could use his damn-near omnipotence and issue a quick “Two-game suspensions for players x, y, and z,” and be done with it.

Donald Igwebuike

“Babe Laufenberg”

Number one rated by whom? Not any of these (the top returns on a google search):

Yep, and you cannot fake intellectual curiosity (see: Palin, Sarah). About the only benefit of our 22-month campaign process is that it is long enough to expose any fraud.

I’m beginning to think Trump is phenomenally dumb. And I don’t mean that like he can’t walk and chew gum at the same time (although not sure how I’d bet on that one) but that he lacks any knowledge of basic things about the world to an astounding degree.

He was funny. There were a couple of HBO specials he did in the late 80s and the early 90s that were really good (think the two best were both shot in DC).

You still using this kinja account/name? Hit me back if you see this, if you would. Want to exchange contact someplace besides the comments and ask a couple of questions.

Or Lenny Bruce or Bill Hicks... So much of comedy is taking the thing that pisses you off and figuring out where the injustice is, then finding out how to express it in a way that’s funny.

That might be true. But when no longer free to poke shit at anything, he stopped being funny.

I have thought about this for a long time. And I have no answer.