
One of the best weeks of Letterman ever.

And TWO Paul Thomas Anderson films.

‘Jeter Take2 Brand to Hi2 Old 2chool’ isn’t quite as mornincally click-baity. And ye2, I feel like an a22 becau2e I fell for it.

Didn’t his father suffer from some form of dementia? And isn’t it hereditary (or at least thought to be)?

What’s your argument? That the Arlington taxpayers paid a lot for AT&T stadium and the Cowboys charge a shit ton for some of their PSLs?

You can bitch about PSLs but consider that they are one of the few things that shifts the costs of stadium construction on to the people that will actually be making use of the stadium (that’s fans as opposed to the general taxpayer; yes, it’s also as opposed to the owner, but let’s be realistic as billionaires often

And what are the chances he’s not out boating and drinking at 3 am if his Sunday start hadn’t been pushed back to Monday? Just the capriciousness of it... fucking brutal.

Hey guys, I found Justin Halpern’s DS account.

Counterpoint: In Chicago, it’s perpetually ‘85.

A) You can’t even properly identify your own argument.

Thanks for the info and links. As a bit of an Olympic junkie, I can’t believe I knew nothing about Norman. What an amazing guy.

So if you benefit enormously from a society, you’re not allowed to seek redress for the sake of other, third parties?

Watched a kids team lose a Little League championship on something like this. The team ahead was trying to IBB the best batter on the trailing team (bottom six, so last inning of the game).

There is something on the ground. It’s in no way definitive from the still that it’s a gun and that the belonged to the victim.

That’s actually why this is probably a big deal to Kroenke. His Inglewood stadium hasn’t sought massive public dollars. So you have to figure that putting a premium on PSLs was part of his plan to finance a portion of the the stadium (between naming rights, PSLs and the G4 (or is it G5 now) money, there is still a

Your job must be ‘idiot.’

If you’re Steve Lyons and you say this, you lose your job. If you’re Norm Macdonald and you say this you... Wait, has Norm been employed—except as a Colonel Sanders impersonator—in the last decade?

Stupid fucking American politics in one gif.

Took Thaler’s class as well. Can co-sign on this, especially the last sentence. Thaler will one day win a Nobel Prize. Little Danny Snyder will never buy himself a Super Bowl.