
Maybe some TSA agents think you're attractive.....?

Yeah, that's right! It's your own fault for being sexy!

Wow. Very well done. Is that all for real though? Seems like a lot of research.

But I like my nipples...

Haha well done. And congrats on the star!

Yeah no doubt. If the average citizen tries to pay one credit card bill with another credit card, they'd probably end up prosecuted, yet corporations do it all the time.

You're not a smoker, or a toker, but are you a joker?

Really? I hadn't heard of such a device. If it's accurate, then I have no other oppositions to legalization of marijuana. Do you know what the device is called? I'd love to look into that a little more.

I'm with you on this. The problem, however, is that we cannot instantly and accurately measure how much marijuana someone has been smoking the same as we can with alcohol and a breathalyzer. Until this becomes possible, I'm opposed to legalization of pot.

"I didn't expect to take the guy, but he had the ball"

"taking medication for back pain"

Those "thick, viscous streaks" you speak of are called legs.

This guy deserves the banhammer. Hard.

This. All he does it run around trying to piss people off.

Take me now!

Depends where you live. I have plenty of "for off-road use only" parts on my truck, but they're all under the hood, and there are absolutely no inspections in Washington state.

Canada has the best hockey players.

ScoobSTI is a commenter on here. And DisgruntledRob (formerly known as Roberto G., who is an Italian guy with anger management issues and a hilarious grasp of the English language) was the first to use the insult.

What?!? How dare you call the P34 ugly?!?

you didnt put a #tips tag on it fool