Mini Guy- Now has a 4Runner

Forza 7 needs a lot of things in general.

I’d give her my 5.1 inches per gallon.

The only food where the outside is approximately as hot as the surface of the sun and the inside is a Popsicle.

Hot Pockets straight to the mouth.

Did someone say donuts?

Now playing

Somebody get the Bad Lip Reading folks on this

“And then I said, ‘The Lady IS a Tramp!’ HAHA! Eh, eh! You get it.”
“For the last fucking time, I’m not Tony Bennett.”

The thing that triggered me, was I control F’ed “Rainbow Six” and nothing came up. And there’s an invitational tournament being streamed today on YT :(

Agreed! Heck I’ve loved racing games since I got GranTurismo (the first one) as a kid. And I follow other E-sports now. Yet I often forget that there’s actual E-sports series for them because of how little coverage they get.

Put some shoes on, for crying out loud. This isn’t your damned bedroom! =0P

Texas, man. It’s not perfect, and I am a little biased because it’s the only state I’ve ever lived in, but we’ve got a lot going for us.

Is it like Costco where I buy Porsches in bulk and get a discount?

Was just about to mention my MINI...

Two weeks ago, I was looking for an E39, and I found a few options.

I once bought a Volkswagen.

Never mind the call, Mike Gundy had the best reaction:

70s Maseratis were the best Italian sports cars. Still are. My wife agreed with me as we were watching Top Gear reruns last night. So that means I’m right.

Your move, Internet.