James Veber


I dunno... didn’t work for this guy

I hope that like any good adaptation American Gods will be its own thing and while related to the original story offer new and interesting bits. But I am right there with you with some of the casting: great actors but not who I would have picked.

That Nathan Fillion phot makes me wish he was cast as Arkon rather than Simon Williams. Oh well.

The internet needs more articles like this.

It probably isn’t anything new but it seems like the distinction of people (both fictional and real) doing something wrong but not being a villain is lost on most people.

What has this show done to Ryan Atwood? I mean it looks like Ben McKenzie has aged 20 years in 3 seasons.

The last line makes me doubt the whole thing but it doesn’t matter. The story is too good to let a little thing like whether it actually happened get in the way.

Maybe you should change your number...

Pretty much what I thought except for the slight uptick towards the end wasn’t enough for me to like the book. I also felt that Grossman thinks a lot of himself as a writer and a lot of the passages were just him writing as pretty as he could, which would be one thing if it was great prose but it really wasn’t.

Maybe he should stop singling himself out with the custom paint job.

I would actually pay money (that I know would go to Zac Snyder) to see the super mullet in film.

Excellent advice. Hope you have a happy Easter if that is your thing and if not have a good weekend.

Yeah, I gave up drinking for Lent. There may not even be any food at my Easter dinner.

But they will still be better than the typical heartless, mass produced crap of 2050 because back in 2017 movies had heart!

First I think that they have priced themselves a little high and it will be interesting to see how many customers they lose. Of course those were all nonpaying customers but Digit did hold the money which they could have used to expand into other banking services.

Did you just use make a column ostensibly devoted to how cool Squirel Girl’s twitter feed is...and then populate it with mostly Tony Stark twitter quotes? Not sure what the feminist word for that is but you totally manjacked that, not manjacked. let us forget I said manjacked...

I’m just waiting for all of this to show up again in thirty to forty years when the 2010's nostalgia train rolls into town.

Oh good. As long as there is someone else.

Am I the only one who finds her like 100% more attractive in the zombie makeup?