James Veber

Agh! You have applied critical thinking and reasoning to the internet! How dare you!

Who are these men in your life? Most of the men I know couldn’t be bothered to return a defective product OR throw it away.

As a man I would support this.

That comment made me happier than the Thor: Ragnarok trailer.

make that T-shirt. I’d buy it.

I think the donut picture is apt. This movie is joy mixed with joy, deep fat fried in joy with a glaze of joy topped with joy sprinkles.

Oh god, now I am envisioning that as the first fight and Goldblum making him kill Daryl anyway... That gets him ready to tear into the Hulk when he shows up weeks or months later.

Oh! I didn’t notice that smile the first time around! Ok, I may see this in theaters just for her.

...well it does look like they raze Asgard.
But I kind of agree that lines like “I know him from work” and Jeff Goldblum apparently giving no f—-s about anything might undercut that.

Yeah, that is pretty much always a mistake.

I knew someone had to have posted it. This is still a bit of a secret dream of mine... If I could only live in the shower... sigh

but sometimes that’s all you can do...

you just answered my question. thanks.

That punchline was worth the wait.

Alas, my employer does not match my 401k contributions or I would put more into it. I (finally) opened an IRA last year which I am slowly building along with my other financial goals. Got a nice tax refund and spent less on spring break than I budgeted. I am starting April pretty financially confident.

Andromeda! I’ve been squeezing it in after my daughter has gone to bed but she is with her mom this weekend so I have the living room all to myself! wahahahaha.

That’s extra creepy in repeating gif form...

I’ll take it however I can get it.

Well now I want a whole series based on the not so deadly assassin. Maybe he is the bumbling sort that happens to kill his target through an unlikely set of coincidences or maybe he is the guild masters’ nephew so he can’t be kicked out. Comedy gold right there.
