James Veber

I am pretty sure in Oregon if it is not a law it is at least a pretty standard rule that you have to have proof of vaccination. That said you can get out of it for religious reasons at the very least and I am sure there are other ways (like notes form asshole doctors).

This has helped me so many times get over the hump of not knowing what to write or that stoppage from trying to phrase something "perfectly." I just take a deep breath and say "F—- it." and keep going. It's allowed me to actually finish some things.

Or just stop worrying about it. I have long ago stopped thinking of my queue as "Things I should watch" and more of just a "Cool stuff" list. I will probably never watch most of the stuff on there but the there is generally more on there that I might watch than what is on the recommended for me list.

Whining, as defined by experts—the therapists, spouses, co-workers and others who have to listen to it—is chronic complaining, a pattern of negative communication. It brings down the mood of everyone within earshot. It can hold whiners back at work and keep them stuck in a problem, rather than working to identify a

Than you, thank you, thank you!

Thanks for this

With lots of booze?

That one was great!

And a LOT of bacon, too.

Personally I find Kirkland brand bacon hit or miss. It seems to me that the thickness of the cut often varies. That said the taste is fine and I am cheap so I still buy it.

I completely agree with you but at the end of the day they were different shows for different audiences. It is kind of unfortunate that we do end up comparing them so much and that any subsequent Titans addaptaion will be compared to either or both. The live action Titans is not going to be like Young Justice or Teen

I always like to wrap my presents in newspaper. I try to pick a section that is relevant to the gift or the person I am giving it to. One time I think my brother was actually more interested in the story on the page than his present. Granted it was a gift card but still kind of funny.

too bad I seem to be descended from Hobbits.

What the fuck is the pizza made on? why not just put molten cheese, pepperoni and sauce in your mouth hole!

And all respect for that awesome pizza eating answer has been leeched away.

If you didn't associate the quote with Pan it has much less impact. A whole 'nother level to the ageing admiral taking "his" ship for one last cruise.

and you win the attention to detail award.

Ok, this is a great Trek shirt but it seems weird to cite the person saying the quote rather than the original sayer. Better just to leave it blank in my opinion.

Wow , with all the complaining on here you'd think Ubisoft offered not to give DLC but take your first born, lock them in their programming dungeon and the then force you to play whatever they produce or they'd kill your wife and dog.

"insert" heh heh heh