
@macpatrik: Oh come on. You know you wish you would have thought of an ice cream cone with lightening bolts put on your face 1st

Hm... How big do these come in? Can I get a size 20 to walk around the back woods and see how many rednecks report Bigfoot tracks?

@HexOmega: No, not really. Why? Because of the caffeine? Last time I checked, the rum and coke I had over the weekend had alcohol and caffeine it too. As well as my 4 Olives grape bomb. I'm still alive to type this reply...

@Desmondia: Regardless of wether it had caffeine or not, 1 can + 2 teenagers != 2 deaths. (unless, of course, there were other drugs involved, which it sounds like there were)

@pandafresh: Yeah, the entire Four Loko banning reminded me of the South Park Movie in that parents didn't take responsibility of what their kids were doing, the kids didn't take responsibility of what they were doing and everyone freaked out over a relatively small amount of incidents, considering how many people

I think the key there is "and other evidence of drug use"

As much as I wanted the white iPhone 4, it seems kind of silly to buy it just months before the iPhone 5 should be releasing... Should have saved it for the iPhone 5, unless the 5 is going to have yet another drastic overhaul (aside from the whole antenna thing and whatever new features the put into/on it)

@commander_k: Cool! Thanks for the info. I'll give Premiere another chance. I understand about the money between hardware. Call me crazy, but I'm not a "fanboy" of either. They each have pros and cons

@commander_k: Really? I've always found Premiere clunky (edit of course it's been several years since I've used it for much of anything). The one thing I do like about Premiere, and I know I'll never get with Final Cut is the beautiful workflow between it and After Effects.

Wouldn't make more sense that it would double as some sort of a scanner? Because magnifying glass doesn't even make sense and given the placement of the "screen" on that drawing seems awfully awkward for a button

It was for sure ahead of it's time, I'm not entirely sure I'd consider it a complete failure though. It did have a nearly 30 year run, and only the 1 crash.

@commander_k: Premiere? Keep the MBP and invest in Final Cut

Isn't the rubber band melting on the power brick? When I have my MacBook plugged in, whether I'm using the laptop or not, that brick gets pretty hot to the touch. Even my cat learned the hard way not to step on it

@Stupid Flanders: I understand that, but I believe, and I could be wrong, but I believe that the purpose he was using the mock ups for, that doesn't apply. He's not doing it to get his jollies, he's using them to prove his case in a court of law. But again, I could be wrong. And again I don't agree that he's using

"The bigger takeaway, maybe, is that there's a lotta people left to be converted to smartphones."

While I don't like what he's doing with them, he did buy the photos through a iStockPhoto and thus has the right to do what he wants with the photos he purchased, which is kind of the point of using stock images to begin with... If the parents have beef with what he's doing, maybe they should go after the photographer

@iSamV2: Really? I haven't had any trouble with it in SL

You know, it's not great, but it's not like Adobe has been making product logo creation high priority either

@mastaassmasta: Chill out. The entire post is based on speculation (much like any non-officially Apple announced Apple product post out there) His best guess is SSD, outside of One Infinite Loop, nobody truly knows what specific feature - or whatever - Mr Cook was talking about :)

@schunniky: That didn't stop the Four Loko ban.... I hated the shit, but it's the same principle, at least the people getting into trouble with the Four Loko were old enough to make the poor choices for themselves... At the end of the day, it wasn't the drink's fault, it was the fault of the teenagers and college kids