
Who puts their baby in the bath tub and walks away to begin with??? I have ADD and still don't understand how that happened to begin with. Sure Facebook games are a massive time suck, but she was able to step away long enough to put the baby in the tub. If only she was the one who drown while playing Facebook games in

@tonyfanara: Clearly you've never been to war or in any other situation where your only objective in life it to survive. In a survival situation, your values in others go completely out the window and your survival instinct kicks in exactly like the fox in this example. In a pure survival situation, chaos rules the

@jaywontdart: Yes except humans are omnivores. If all humans suddenly stopped eating meat and only ate plants, you'd have a complete shift in the ecosystem as you know it. You're naive if you don't think what you're wanting everyone to convert to won't have any negative impact. It's cause and effect.

@S0lidSnake: Crashing? I've never had a problem with Quicksilver on SL. Try an uninstall/reinstall

@BoltBoy: Quicksilver is only as complicated as you make it to be. You can just use it as an application launcher, but if you take the time to learn to do more with it, it really can become a powerful little app

@xTRICKYxx: Some of us own our software and can't afford to update every 2 years. I still use CS2 but unlike your CS5, I have the Box, CDs and receipt (aka proof of purchase)

@iSamV2: No, Quicksilver hasn't been updated in forever, and I'm not saying it's perfect as is, but it really doesn't seem like something that needs updating on a regular basis. What does strike me as odd about it is that it's open source and it's still not been updated in so long... Maybe it is perfect after all? LOL

@adhir: If you didn't find Quicksilver to be any better than Spotlight, you're doing it wrong

@Christopher Besch: I think that's good in theory, and would be just fine for most users, but some "enterprise" users and all power users (professional designers, etc) I would think will need something a bit more robust; and probably more importantly, something that doesn't heavily rely on "the cloud".

@Odin: It was sarcasm ;)

@Odin: As long as we don't have to use it to login to Giz. Doesn't sound like the information you'd want a pissed off group of hackers putting up on Pirate Bay laughing about how easy it was for them to get at....

Wait... I get to use this ID as a single login for multiple sites, pages and platforms? Nope, that doesn't sound like anything hackers would be drooling to get a hold of...

@MyCityScreams: That seems counter productive considering the dumbasses who were drinking themselves into alcohol induced comas, in all likelihood won't know that little detail and I'm sure will be buying it like candy all over again because it's still Four Loko. Whatever, I'm not touching the stuff again caffeinated

@lladnar: Which leads me back to my initial point, an announcement doesn't mean the actual release will happen in the next few weeks. I was just giving the only conceivable reason I can think of that they would release on Verizon this early. For all anyone knows, it's not the iPhone at all on Tuesday.

For all you know, they have the best fans on the entire planet and they were SO awesome and everyone wanted one SO badly that they ended up selling everything they brought and since they don't have anything left, they're packing up their CES booth early.

@KamWrex: For the companies involved, sure it's a market share war. But as consumers, we shouldn't really hope that one beats the other too badly or there will be no real incentive to push innovation forward. Meaning if Android eclipses iOS, they'll eventually get lazy doing the bare minimum and someone somewhere,

@lladnar: Just because it's being announced doesn't necessarily mean it will be released in the near future. The original iPhone was announced in January and didn't release until late June. Release dates are purely speculative right now. I agree with you though, it doesn't really make sense to stagger it. Unless

@Man_Of_Leisure: Correct, and one of the main reasons they didn't release on Verizon initially. That will be a draw back, one that existing Verizon (or Sprint) customers won't notice but one they will, inevitably, hear about from those who drop AT&T for Verizon.

@hoffmanbike: Okay, but the questions still stands, you have ALL those Android users chewing up data left and right, then you're adding the iPhone into the mix. Their network's bandwidth isn't unlimited you know.

I'm sure of it too. Gizmodo wasn't invited. Well, live and learn and next time y'all find yourselves with an Apple prototype in your hands, you now know what NOT to do with it