
@ekasbury: The magnetic poles are constantly shifting. But I'm starting to think the Mayans were on to something. I'm going to be pretty damn disappointed on Dec 22 2012 if they weren't LOL

I can't even conceive a watch that would necessitate such packaging. Unless you're buying it strictly for the box, I don't know why you'd buy a watch that's packaging costs more than the watch itself. Of course, as others have said, it's Yanko so it's all about the pretty picture and not real world functionality

@Jeb_Hoge: I have 2 cat's and I even ask people and they say they don't notice. Of course, I have both of mine fixed and they don't mark their territory all over either.

Hm... Just the thought of such a device sounds distracting to the process of actually watching TV. If it ain't broke, don't fix it

Don't worry, I'm not happy to see you, it's just my sushi iPhone case

@mediatone: I know certain states had it banned before then, a friend of mine was devastated in November when he couldn't get it anymore. Personally, I thought the shit tasted like ass in a can so I haven't been looking out for it anyway. I just know I'd seen it in 7/11's in FL after he was bitching about it.

@DreamTheEndless: For real? Shows you how much I drink (drank) the caffeinated "beers". LOL I'll stick with my caffine in my coffee and soda (and the occasional -whatever- bomb or rum and Coke) and my beer as beer :)

Awesome, except you can only install it on one plug per outlet, and I can't tell by the picture, are you even able to use the top plug if you have that thing on the bottom one?

@MyCityScreams: Don't forget this entire thing is specifically Four Loko, as far as I know, Spark is still readily available and controversy free

@MyCityScreams: I remember that shit, it was pretty nasty. Have you ever had a can of Four Loko? It's quite awful itself. At least Budweiser didn't try to mask the taste with overly sugary watermelon, berry or lemonade flavoring. *blerg*

@DJM: yes, it was a state by state decision from what I understood

@jetRink: The entire thing reminded me of the South Park Movie. I find it absolutely hilarious

@mediatone: Yeah, it depends on the state. The "gold" you speak of wasn't banned everywhere, it was a state by state decision. You can get Four Loko with those ingredients in FL pretty much everywhere

@ddhboy: My only problem with the banning (and I think the stuff is down right nasty and had to muscle through the only can I've ever had of the shit) is that it got banned, in large part, because of what happened to a hand full of high school and underage college students, all people who, in theory, shouldn't have

@Doople: God I hope not, I do like my Rum and Coke ;)

@Otacon91: How? - Lawmakers picked this issue, of all issues, to actually listen to public opinion about...

@inkyness: The reports were saying that 1 24oz can = the alcohol content of a 6 pack (I'm going with something along the lines of Budweiser). That being said, I've had the stuff, it's pretty awful tasting, but I don't think it quite has the alcohol content of a 6 pack of anything. The taste itself was more awful

It's not banned everywhere, it's still in about every convenience store and liquor store in FL.

I had a roommate who did this. (Mainly because he couldn't pull himself away from his xbox long enough to bathe) I can 100% attest to the fact that it does NOT work. His hair would look wet, but it was grease build up. His bedroom emanated a body odor smell like I've never experienced even after the hardest workout.