
@Christopher Besch: @Christopher Besch: Microsoft and unification? You've got to be kidding right? How many different versions of Vista and Windows 7 did they come up with? And unless they're planning on killing Windows Phone 7 about as fast as they killed the Kin, they will still have a mobile OS.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: WTF?? Are you for real? Do you have any idea how many patents companies own? Especially tech companies? Go look up your "open" Google and see how many patents they have applied for and own. Contrary to seemingly popular opinion, patents are not "evil" they are necessary for

@Steezy McFresh: I don't see why not. I can see why they would apply for a patent on the fuel cell, I'm not really sure why they would apply for one for the casing though.

How many times is Microsoft going to try and put a desktop OS into a tablet? It didn't work with the Windows XP tablets and the Windows 7 tablets have been both few and far between and those that are out there aren't exactly flying off the shelves.

@Deep-Blue: No, not really. I was at the Rose Bowl and tried one of the Visio demo booths and it was cool enough but that was for 2, maybe 5 minutes. I'm not so sure I'd be all about wanting to sit on my couch all day Saturday and/or Sunday watching football with 3D glasses on my face, especially since I have to put

@jokersmoker: I think 3D racing games, or FPS's for that matter, would just make me queasy.

@JP: Yeah I knew that, I figured they'd hold you until they got an injunction (warrant, whatever) for you to unlock it. I've stated before I have no criminal justice background nor have I ever had to personally go through the legal system. I was purely speculating based on my understanding of how things work (which

@MifuneT: I'm pretty sure you can refuse. I've known a guy who did (ultimately to his detriment, but that's another story entirely, not based upon his initial refusal)

@Keav: I don't think it would be similar to ISPs (don't know for sure, not really educated in criminal justice at all). The only reason I think that is that, in theory, if the police are asking to see what's in your phone 1) there's probably a reason beyond morbid curiosity, but more importantly 2) there could be an

@MifuneT: I have never been arrested and I've never taken any kind of criminal justice classes, so I'm basing this off of my understanding of things, just to get that out of the way. I'm not sure if refusal to submit to a sobriety test is considered using the 5th amendment, but I'm thinking (and this purely a gut

@jerod.slay: Yeah, some people are paranoid. Even if cops have nothing going on, they're not going to demand to look through your phone if you're not doing anything that would warrant them stopping you and asking you some questions. They're not even going to ask to search your phone during a routine traffic stop

Even if it's password protected, wouldn't you still be asked (required?) to type in the password so they can look through it anyway? I mean, I guess you could refuse but my guess is that you'd end up spending some time in a holding cell or something for it.

So we've gone from DVD to Blu-Ray to 3D Blu-Ray in less than a 5 year span. I think the 3D Blu-Ray is the point I draw the line on rebuilding my collection with the latest and "greatest" format. Maybe I'll wait until whatever comes after Blu-Ray and hopefully it WON'T be 3D

Isn't it supposed to be releasing on Blu-Ray?

You sound as if you don't like copyright laws. Cool! I'm going to go ahead and start a blog and post this exact post, word for word and call it my own. You shouldn't have any problem with that right?

I have one, I can't really attest to wether it works or not. (I haven't had my friends try to pull me around by my wrists like in the commercials, while sober at least...) But the 1st day I put it on, within 10 minutes I developed one hell of a migraine headache. It was quite trippy and I immediately took off the

I would NEVER wake up to something like that. There's no way a wrist watch would have enough vibration, even a $450 wrist watch

Maybe I'm not OCD enough. The corner curl on a Post-It never really bugged me much. And I would also think that the triangle taper part would curl too

@zenneth: Yeah I was thinking that Key West is pretty much par for the course.