
Next, I think she should test port - a - johns, really just to see her reaction to that lol. But we let our kids go in those too. Bottom line, if it isn't one of those play places, it's going to be something else. No matter how hard you try, you can't protect your kids from literally everything, not even if you put

Do I believe in life outside of our planet? Yes, as I have a hard time believing Earth is the only inhabited planet. Now, as to the type and/or intelligence/advancement of said life, no effing clue.

Small price to pay for not having to welcome our Hail Hitler overlords, don't you think?

You're the bitch if your go to for news is Gizmodo. I get my news from CNN, Reuters and Al Jazeera, you know, sources that actually have people in the field instead of bloggers posting on what they've just seen on TV. What I don't go to those sites is for technology or gadgets. That's why I go to Gizmodo. I've noticed

You don't have a clue about Bosnia or Kosovo do you? I also bet you have no idea that we patrolled a no-fly zone over both northern and southern Iraq after the 1st Gulf War for over 10 years. Moreover, this is a UN problem more than it is a US problem. They haven't done anything directly to the United States for

I'm sorry, those F22s have seen plenty of action in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

Remember when Giz didn't used to post articles right after CNN reported on them? Are there really no gadgets for you guys to talk about? I could have sworn the iPad2 launched last week and the ThunderBolt is right around the corner. Or has it launched? I wouldn't know because Giz has turned into a wannabe news site.

I already am. Oh wait, you're specifically talking about the 3DS

+1 internets to you good sir LMAO

Yeah, i can sound like the dude on the left up there, but i really do skydive, i might only do it 2 or 3 times a year, but i do. and since i live in central FL i do try to get out to the beach at least 2-3 times per month to surf. i also play flag football in a league 1 day a week and softball 1 day a week. but right

Improved? I've yet to find anything about this new layout that's improved

so would i lmao

nope i'm not afraid to post exactly what i'm doing when i'm doing what the guy in the illustration on the right is doing. in fact about the only time i don't post is when i'm doing what the guy in the illustration on the left is doing because i'm having too much fun enjoying life to remember about facebook

it scares me that someone would want to actually lead Anonymous... That would require taking some kind of responsibility for that mess

Uhoh distention among the ranks over at /b/

I tend to agree with Mr Sheedy. I also think that a portable gaming device shouldn't be used as a diagnostic device, though I see a lot of parents seeing that as a way to justify buying it

No, but if I did, unlike this video it would make me want to punch him in the face

are you new to the internet? people go to some ridiculously great lengths in attempts to become the next big meme

I was waiting for it to go into the neighbor's house lol