
From the appearance of the wires, that rig appears to have stood the test of time. It's clearly not an elegant solution and I'm sure it wouldn't pass any codes, but from all outward appearances it is and has been for quite some time an effective solution.

You don't have kids do you?

I thought for sure it was going to be /b/

Nah, they wouldn't do that. That's what they do for the 5 minutes per day that they aren't on 4chan. They get in a good fap and go check on their farm or city lol

Still haven't seen anything that they've completely melted down yet... We've been "within hours" of that since I woke up Saturday morning... But I do appreciate your rudeness and name calling. When was the last time you read Giz's commenter's guidelines? Last I checked, that kind of stuff can get you banned from

Sounds like you need to turn off the tv and go outside...

It's unbelievable how sensationalized the media is making this aspect. It almost feels like those in the media wants this thing to meltdown. Yes, there is a serious situation, but I've lost count of the amount of times "journalists" (or in this case bloggers) have used the word "meltdown" the experts being interviewed

Yeah I have and use Xcode 3 and am in the dev program. I imagine Xcode 4 will be bundled with Lion when it's released too, but you have to admit if you want to play with it before that and don't want to pay the dev program costs, $5 is reasonable. Regardless, I think it's dumb to buy Xcode 4 JUST to enable these

And Flash aren't the epitome of that now? Yeah... okay...

A lot of that is because of how much they paid for Coldfusion. It wasn't cheap, which is a big reason why it's gone the way of the dinosaur in the bigger scope.

If you aren't going to use Xcode for anything more than this, why pay the $5? Since it's in there, it'll be turned in about 3 months when iOS 5 drops anyway. Seems pretty dumb to pay for Xcode if that's all you're doing with it. That being said, Xcode is a powerful dev tool and it's TOTALLY worth more than $5 if

You have ~3 more months until you'll get it for free in iOS 5. I wouldn't worry about paying the $5 if you aren't going to use Xcode for anything more than this.

printer ink: CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, key aka black). purple != cyan, magenta, yellow or black. purple = cyan + magenta (and depending on the shade possibly + some black). I know it was a joke, but it really doesn't work since there isn't purple ink on a truck filled with printer ink

that's a big sonofabitch!

Last I checked, shooting a gator will kill it too. That being said, a bear probably is a better choice. Living in Florida I see alligators in the wild all the time. They're pretty content to do, well, nothing unless provoked, a female is protecting her eggs or it's mating season and they're all biologically worked up.

For Face Time across devices... Until I can face time on my 50 inch HDTV, I really don't care if it's HD or not. Aside from a 30 inch Cinema Display or 27 inch iMac, you're not going to notice the difference on such a small screen. You do know that unless a screen is above a certain size (I forget what it is exactly,

No it's not! Right now it's black with a bunch of shiny white dots

Those "4G" networks you speak of are considered 3.5G through out the rest of the world. Once true 4G speeds come out, any "4G" phone of today won't be compatible. Currently, 4G is a marketing term and you, my friend, have fallen for it hook, line and sinker

What does the quality of the camera matter? Honestly, are you going to throw away your point and shoot or cell phone and use your iPad as your main camera? The best camera is the one you have with you. This day in age, some people have as many as 3 on them at all times between a point and shoot and/or DSLR, their cell