
It appears as if Skynet (oops, did I just say that) needs to focus more on getting the thing a proper center of gravity before they get it jumping or running. Without a center of gravity, even if it could run faster than a Ferrari, it really won't matter if it can't take even 5 steps before it falls over

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: What do you mean how do I handle updates? Pretty much all of them, on open automatically check for updates, and if they find one it'll popup asking me if I'd like to install said update and I click yes or no, it downloads the update, I type in my password and the application

@talkingstove: What? I don't really know where to begin with this. 1) You already can get pirated Mac Software. Everything from Mac OSX to pretty much any 3rd party application is out there somewhere. 2) It doesn't get any easier to install or uninstall most Mac apps. Most mac apps, you drag it into the Applications

I don't see a scenario where the Mac App Store would become a "walled garden" from what it sounds like the Mac App Store would be a place to go for people to easily find programs for their Mac. I don't want to use the term "search engine" but it does sound more like one vs the App Store where it's the ONLY place go

@Doople: If it makes you feel somewhat better, unlike you, they don't have to pay rent or a mortgage, buy groceries, pay for utilities and can't go out an spend money on the kinds of entertainment you do. The little money they do make, they don't have a lot of things to spend it on. If you were able to just sit on the

@samwize11: Just because they're in prison doesn't automatically mean they killed or raped someone. There are people in prison for a multitude of reasons, some are in there because they've been wrongfully convicted (yes, it happens) and some are in for what are called victimless crimes.

@drewids: I agree. Who are we to judge prisoners? Just because they're in jail or prison doesn't automatically mean they've killed someone or raped little kids. I think judgement should be reserved until you know more about their individual crimes and just because they're in prison doesn't mean they are not remorseful

@Drummertist v.3: They're (the hackers, and there were multiple) are pissed at Gawker. We just got caught up in the crossfire. The hackers released our information for no other apparent reason aside from that they could. I must be on the list, I logged into Facebook this morning it had me verify a suspicious login, a

@4thletter: They refer to us as "peasants" there's there's your arrogance. Also, it appears as if these hackers have had our user data since JULY!!

@CorporalMaxSterling: And to top it off, there's a decent sized list of us who's username and passwords don't even need to be downloaded, they're right there in the preview

@froggy: I do that my email passwords are different from my bank password which are both different from my paypal, but for blogs and such I only have 2 or 3 others I use.

@duurtlang: It should be if it's not... I don't know the actual law and different states may have different laws on it. Regardless, if it is illegal, I've never seen anyone pulled over for it.

Isn't that the same thing as 2 cars driving side by side on a highway, both going no more than 5 MPH below the speed limit, and neither considering getting into the other lane, out of the way, so that the rest of the traffic can get by?

It's a flippin' video game controller who cares what it looks like? It's not like you're paying attention to it in your hand while you're playing to begin with. That being said, it appears to be laid out better than the Wii Zapper. It took a while to get used to the trigger being in the front and the nun chuck

@Curves: You say that but I unfortunately believe society cares less and less about spelling and it wouldn't surprise me to one day see whole novels written in nothing but lol and txt speak :(

Win! I'd love to do something like that at my job. Unfortunately, if it's large enough, it won't get past QA. However, we have been known to throw in some small "easter eggs" in the details from time to time

@tomsomething: It might have potential for the entry-level or casual user, but I think the fact that the point of Crome OS is that it's cloud based will make for a slow adoption among that demographic.

@ripfire: In and of itself it's not a bad thing but the laptops they put it into will be geared towards the "Look at me!" market. Though it won't stop those who want one from buying one, it's kind of like fitting a square peg in a round hole