
@tomsomething: Sadly, it'll never look like that when it goes to market. You're in the minority and the general public want "Look at me!" Ironically, since it isn't Windows and people are on the fence about switching to Mac in part because they don't want to "re-learn" how to work a computer, Chrome OS laptops

@TheAxMan: Wouldn't know anything about that since I use Mac. Not really sure where you're welcome comes in but it makes my point even more valid

@Michael Scrip: I agree, but I think to get over 500 million people to switch from Facebook it'll have to be a proverbial game changer and this doesn't seem to have anything ultra special to it. Open source means nothing to 80% of Facebook users and the fact it is open source gives it as many draw backs as it does

@Mikekearn has an overly long username: Unfortunately, people don't see it as breaking the law. It's done anonymously and depending on the age of said pirate it's entirely possible someone, either an older sibling or classmate taught (it could also go the other way with someone teaching a parent, aunt, uncle, or

@Clashwerk: You seriously don't think the apps in the app store aren't cheap enough? The vast majority of the apps are less than $5, that's pretty cheap for software, I don't care what kind of software you're talking about because it sure as hell takes more than $5 worth of time to make even a fart app

Holy Crap!! I just looked at their site and they offer a FREE version and it's right there front and center, no hunting around for it. Also, one year of their Internet Security suite (the most expensive one they offer) is $49.95. That's cheap for software and I'd say worth the $50 to protect your (or I guess it's

@spade: That may be, but they certainly don't need an itemized list just handed over to them either... In what way is information like this "need to know" for the general public? Do these locations affect your daily life in any way? I didn't think so

See? This is the kind of shit they don't need to be publishing. What an irresponsible group of self absorbed garbage those behind WikiLeaks are. Shut them down

@SuperNintendo Chalmers: Yup until it gets overly popular and it does one of two things: 1) like Twitter, it goes down on a regular basis because it can't handle the traffic (I still don't understand how/why people tolerate that from Twitter, but I don't have a Twitter so whatever) or 2) it will become just as spammy

@Acehalo-2: You're putting a lot of pressure on Diaspora there. It's not even out of alpha yet and you're talking about them duking it out with Facebook. Shit, even MySpace lost that battle and at the time MySpace was #1

Though Facebook certainly isn't infallible, the thing Facebook had going for it when it opened up to public usage was that it already had a massive user base since it was a college only network for several years prior to it's "going public". At the time, Facebook was as desirable (if not more so) as MySpace for people

@wookie1901: I could see Cubs being awfully high on that list of 2nd words too

@spiderman79: My thought about the Louisiana purchase is because every high schooler in the country gets it in history class. It's probably Googled a lot more than you'd like to think. As you said, the foundation day was just one day and probably didn't affect as many people as does a high school history class.

@Br1zon: Yeah, I don't find it to be significantly difficult myself. But then again, look at how many people who have a hard time driving forward, the thought of them backing up at all is down right frightening

@Br1zon: Yes, backing into spaces eliminates one problem but it creates an entirely new problem when people suck at backing up and slam into your previously parked car while failing at an attempt to back in

@subject117: It also helps if most people understood right of ways. I've see people backing up in parking lots every day who see the cars coming but refuse to stop. If your car isn't going forward, you do not have the right of way.

@JayOregon: Who has your team beaten exactly? Your one and only impressive win was Stanford. Oregon would have a minimum of 3 losses in the SEC. I'm not an Auburn fan but at least they've beaten 5 top 25 teams. Plus my money would still be on Boise State to beat you again if you were to have played them this year.