
I approve of my tax dollars going toward getting this bill to pass

@typica1cat: That part was sarcasm. Sorry. I can't for the life of me figure out how else to explain that at an airport of all places this hasn't been seen in 31 years lol

@ConfederateRokr: Would that qualify him (them) as trolling pioneers then?

@marythegr8: Yeah I'm trying to wrap my head around that one too

@typica1cat: The building doesn't appear to be that tall, I'm guessing that not only is there apparently a no fly zone around it, there isn't anything taller nor any mountains around it either.

Um.... It's been there since 1979 and they just NOW found it??? I'm sure there are some old Israeli dudes that are finding this absolutely hilarious right now

@jnewman10: You seem to have ignored your initial point, which was the US having "the most politically ass-backwards government out there" and there are a plethora of examples which state otherwise. I was simply illustrating you can leave without fear of retaliation. Something you're not going to find in the majority

@Nick535i: Terrifying hell! Bring that technology on in Photoshop CS6! I'm sick of explaining why the 32x60 gif from their website isn't gong to work for the print materials they're requesting.

@jnewman10: You've gotta be kidding me! If you truly believe that you should look beyond your own backyard. You want to talk about ass-backward governments, take a look at Afghanistan with the Taliban, Darfur, Rwanda, Serbia during Milosevic's reign, Iraq while Saddam was in charge, Iran, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe,

@DirtyDogg: Yes but the disinformation could be going out in an attempt to find the "leak" so that they can deal with him/her/them

@missionary position: How is it freedom of speech when they're relaying information and not saying anything of their own?

@TraMaI: With this stuff I agree. However, in the past they have given away our troop locations in Afghanistan and other military strategies. They can hate the world governments all they want as far as I'm concerned; but in doing so they have absolutely no right to put soldiers, men and women some of whom's only

@DH: so if you are the one who can walk in a straight line, does that mean you've divided by zero?

@Top_failure: I'd hardly call WikiLeaks journalism

@sLeoni: Screw that! If they want to do away with governments, fine more power to them but doing so by putting troops overseas in danger, I don't think so. The men and women fighting this war are following orders, they don't have to believe in it to be over there. Hell, in this economy, the armed forces are the ONLY

@Nieros: It's not freedom of speech. They are relaying information - information that the general public doesn't need to have. Two completely different ballparks

WikiLeaks needed to be shut down the second it went up. They aren't doing the world any favors and are, in fact, needlessly harming our military operations. I'm surprised the operators aren't in jail already. I personally wouldn't even qualify what they're doing as "freedom of speech" as they are relaying classified

@comodidit: They give out military strategies and troop locations. If they're not terrorists directly they sure are doing their part to aid and abed.

I'm going to say from personal experience that a movie prop replica is NOT what you want to take to war with you. Unless you intend on trading it for sex or bootleg CDs or movies