
@vwgti303: Tesla didn't help his cause by being on the "crazy" side

@iAmWillJ: I wish I was still oblivious to the fact that such a shoe exists :(

@ovjho: Yes but if it's truly Skype integration, the video call part would be, in theory, handled on Skype's end. Facebook is only adding the code to put the Skype functionality into it's interface. Kind of like a WordPress widget sort of thing in practice. At least that's my understanding of it.

@xd.Balls: Probably next to nothing since you're only editing the client side JavaScript object. I'd imagine something else would have to be enabled on the backside in order for it to work in any capacity

My money says this is going to be like when everyone KNEW Facebook was going to create it's own email.

Of course. What has Google really done to advertise? What is out there to persuade the non-tech savvy shopper that Google TV is worth the extra cost? Hell, what's out there to tell the non-tech savvy shopper what Google TV is?? Your average shopper doesn't read TechCrunch, Engadget, Gizmodo etc. In all likely hood

@Darth Meow 504: It actually was after. I realize I got lucky. I respect what you're doing and I get that you have to do what you have to do to get by right now. I'm not disrespecting his (or your, for that matter) job, my problem is that he started a blog in order to bitch about hating his job. It's one thing if you

@Grindhouse Murders: At least you have the excuse that it's a holiday weekend and you're allowed to be lazy

I hated my retail job too. Instead of bitching about it by blogging (because honestly, who wants to read someone's bitching about the job they hate?) I quit and got a job I enjoyed and now I call it my career. I have no sympathy for this guy and I refuse to give him a hit. He needs to remove his panties and be a man

There was a guy in my high school history class, he was on acid, if I remember correctly, but he was looking strangely at his arm and then strangely at his pen. This went on for maybe 3-5 minutes before he suddenly, without warning stuck his Bic ball point pen about a half inch into the underside of his forearm. And

@drsquirrel: But what happens at 20344440001? We're already dead?

@mikehart526: Quit giving away the locations to our nuclear missile silos... Oh crap...

@NyQuil012: As long as they're spending my tax dollars wisely.. oh wait!

Well good! Because we've been in the "blue" range for years now... There's always a "general risk of terrorist attack" Constantly living in "orange" effectively does 2 things: 1) takes any and all meaning out of a "high risk of terrorist attacks' and 2) forces people to live in a constant state of fear of something

Cheap glass. Looks like a good reason to either not buy a Samsung or not buy a Kinect if you already own a Samsung, or, the easiest of them all, if you have both a Samsung AND a Kinect check all your jewelry at the door

There's a mall within walking distance of my apartment. So not only do I have the mall, I have all the joyous stores and restaurants that pop up in the vicinity of malls. Nothing short of a fire will make me leave my house today. Even then, I'm going to have to contemplate long and hard about how bad the fire is and

@mocanlagunas: NO! It's in the Balkins. Was formerly under the "USSR Iron Curtain" I was over there in 1998 during the Kosovo conflict. []

Over the summer I was going on a dive trip in the Virgin Islands and I have to carry my regulator on with me (they can't be in the unpressurized luggage area) I was given crap on the way there and on the way back for the fluid in the compass of my gauges. It was utterly ridiculous because it was OBVIOUSLY a compass

@arcticfox012: You can get your junk fondled unwillingly at any time. Your flight only leaves once