
@wheresmyjetpack: Yes, but the people on Big Brother, The Real World and the like

@dsi1: I dunno, the more shit like this that comes out, the more sense it makes that someone is eventually going to go postal (likely an airline worker or business man/woman who endures this nearly daily) and actually make a bomb just to blow up the TSA checkpoint.

@wheresmyjetpack: Yes, but after they implemented security measures, the security measures have gotten worse in those 10 years. I don't think we should do 100% away with security as that would be naive, but I DO think they need to re-examine how they are doing it. I don't know how often you find yourself in airports

@YellowRex: Don't forget, the Department of Homeland Security and the TSA were reactive and not proactive to begin with. They haven't had a clue what they were doing since day 1. They were thrown together and told to do a job that they were clearly unprepared for and they hire in the same manner a McDonalds hires.

@dm123: Not having to deal with the TSA: Priceless.

Yeah. I totally forgot about one, I rented it because my mom wanted to see it when she came to visit. When she came back, 6 months later, it was still sitting in my DVD player. My bad.

@Jose Bisono: You mean like stop making new OS's and just update 7 from here on out? That's NOT gonna happen. It can't.

@CaptMorgan74: If it makes you feel better (and it shouldn't) a friend of mine works help desk at the Pentagon and the US Government is just now "transitioning" to Vista and is already in the process of writing up a roadmap to transition to Windows 7... I'm SO happy my tax dollars are being put to good use.

@Geekavenger: That's awesome and all until a fingerprint and/or fleck of dust gets on your already shoddy webcam (because they're all shoddy, let's face it) doesn't recognize you

@earbenT: What? That's not user friendly enough for you? LOL

Meh. I'm not that big on the idea of cloud computing. I don't like the though of all my everything being online. I like Dropbox because I can put what I want/need in there an delete it when I don't want/need it there anymore. I don't trust the internet that much and I REALLY don't trust companies like Microsoft,

Sure street view is neat, but I'm not really sure how "useful" it is. Of course I'm pretty good at directions. I'd imagine it'd be helpful if you're lost and need to see landmarks or something, but that's kind of the extent of the usefulness

@DH: being that kind of a smartass at an airport costs at least an afternoon in jail. So yes

@LaneWinree: The you have to deal with the TSA before you board a cruise liner too. I'm going to caution a guess that even Cross-Atlantic sealiners would be subject to TSA security check points

@JAlexoid: As I said it lags a bit, but it's not bad enough to make me stop playing. I can run a few of the 3D games with the same amount of lag and play them alright. Of course I don't spend hours upon hours playing iPhone games to begin with...

@SacredByte: Yes, I get that. He did, in fact, give the money to someone else. I'm going to go out on a limb and say the person who sold it for this much is more of a swindler and the funds could likely have gone to a better cause. (Just my opinion though, I don't care enough to go out and research the seller)

@elr0y7: Is there proof of this? Is there any data showing his actual ROI?

@7555: Yup and you can play Angry Birds with it. It runs a bit laggy, but not bad enough to make me want to stop playing

Using his logic for making the purchase, wouldn't it have made better financial sense to invest that $335K in creating this kind of content rather than buying virtual real estate? Even IF he's right having your own game, world, whatever you want to call it would pay out FAR more than selling this virtual real estate