
@WidowMaker: $15 is on sale compared to the Power Balance bands

@7555: agreed with rdldr1 I have an original iPhone running 3.1 or 3.2 or whatever was the last 3.x release. There are a handfull of apps that I can't use but I can download and use the vast majority of the apps in the app store.

@LastAndLeast: I'm not really sure why they said that about iOS. I have the latest Angry Birds update running on my original iPhone running iOS 3. whatever it is since I can't run 4.x on my phone. It's a tad on the laggy side but not to the extent that makes me not want to play it.

@hashtag: I'm thinking it's yet another good example of why drugs are bad mkay

@emagremrofni: Sadly you'd probably make a killing if you showed it at the right gallery :(

I thought for sure this was one of those experiments they require college students in certain courses to participate in. I'm not really sure how this is considered art. Shouldn't it at least be aesthetically pleasing or something? As is, it looks like some sort of midevil torture device

Do not want. It's convenient, yes but I'm not sure how I feel about having my phone double as a credit card. It's not like you can just call the bank and disable the phone. Even if you can disable the account, I'm sure hackers would find a way around that in something like a phone.

@Bubbsdaddy: LOL Yeah it's hard to contain this kind of excitement over iTunes. It's this kind of shit that gets you though. You're more than likely not going to care, and you know that going in, but somehow you still want to know.

@wobblesmith: It's my understanding that they aren't on the market quite yet. But they will be soon though, probably within the next week or so. Someone correct me if I'm wrong

@Sumit Chandra Agarwal: Well yeah, that's why I use a pair of $10 Skull Candies when I'm jogging or otherwise working out and save my $200 Shures for working with audio or other wise listening to music where I want to appreciate the quality

@RubiksCube: One of the funnier blog posts out there if you happened to miss it

@Bubbsdaddy: Maybe it's SO awesome they don't think you'll need your morning coffee after you hear it!

Much respect to the man and I am definitely considering buying a print. I probably wont be buying anything from this war as I have plenty of my own from 2003 - 2005 and I really don't want to hold on to the memories of that god forsaken place anymore than I already have to. I pray for him, and his family and wish him

@tazm0n: Personally I'm surprised he hasn't been hit by a car and killed yet

@destryer: That may be but this dude's loan dispute with his village officials still doesn't quite seem related to the topic. I too feel bad for this man, but it's not like he even worked for Foxconn (where Giz's normal inhumane treating of people in China come from)

Oh crap! Sounds like I'm going to have to re-teach my mom how to use her email again...

Meh I'll only care if they end up banning cell phones because of this crap....

@gthing: I imagine a jailbroken iPhone would, but they distribute the app under the assumption that the iPhones aren't jailbroken. Frankly, given the amount of iPhones out there, I'd say that the jailbroken ones are a minority. Though many Giz readers may have jailbroken their phones, I can't imagine most of the

@ddhboy: That was before the iPad :)