
tun·dra /ˈtəndrə/ noun

Yeah, FCA (or Stella Artois or whatever the hell they are now) is in business to make political statements. No, they’re trying to make money. Its a 700 hp supercharged V8 massive truck, of course it gets 10 mpg, thats not politics, thats physics (and I'm sure other sciences as well). 

I love this truck and I do love Jalopnik, I’ve been a follower since 2008.  But for the love of god, can you guys just write automotive articles without predicating them on heated and politically debated topics.  Just providing a hyperlink doesn’t add to any credibility and it takes away from the actual content at

Who cares about details, they have a narrative to get out there.

I agree with everything you said, except that flying is no more dangerous than going shopping. It sounds like there is good science that says its significantly safer than going shopping due to the rapid circulation of air.

I mean, even if the IATA’s take on the study is wrong, I see nothing in this article which says the original study by United and the DOD was flawed in any way, which means they are likely correct in the high safely of airplanes due to extremely high air circulation. Just because the data as far as how many people are

Jesus enough with the small truck bullshit. OEM’s make trucks bigger because MOST customers want bigger trucks.

Hmmm, a Ford for fording...

I’m with you on most of that, but I can’t fault the hotels for not wanting people to use their lots as a park and ride for free when they fly somewhere.

Baby Yoda is life. All praise Baby Yoda.

Do you spend all day waiting for articles to post so you can be the first to shit on anyone mentioned who isn’t perfect?

They really went big hiring the Civic stylists like that.

I’d like Mercedes to step slightly away from the “luxury” side of things and right into “high quality” what I perceive they used to be.

You missed the bit about notifying the highway patrol?

This is the worst excuse I’ve ever heard.

Not gonna lie, I’ve always kinda wanted a Skyslider roof.

“Daddy, the top came off...”

It’s the new option package: Tesla Model Y-isitsowindy.

This reminds me of how every year Apple says, “This is our best iPhone yet.” as if technology is going to decline and they might accidently make a worse one. Of course this is the best F150 yet, does that really need to be said? 

Maybe it’s just me, but there’s a difference between selling to a private party and trading in. If I’m trading in a car, the dealer has trained mechanics, readily available diagnostic equipment, and a lift. If I’m asked a question, I’ll answer it honestly but I’m not volunteering them any information. With a private