
5th: Anytime Tesla says something is going to happen in 3 years, the chance of that thing happening within 3 years is close to zero. How do they continue to build hype with these sorts of announcements when they never deliver on their promises? People are waking up to the BS, and it’s reflected in the stock price

Where you live that the “normal people” are driving $140,000 plus cars? Must not live in this universe.

I guess I’m not eligible, since I use the RainX washer fluid.

Well we can go further because Crichton ruined it for all of us by misrepresenting the Raptor...what was described in the book and shown in the movies was actually the Deinonychus. Crichton felt the Raptor name was more “dramatic” and used it instead. Raptors were only 2 feet tall.

Yeah, different species. No cannibalism.

A T-Rex eating a Velociraptor is technically not cannibalism because they aren’t the same species.

Problem there is the only fascist to self-identify as a fascist was Mussolini. Then again, he did invent the name for the political concept while he was still a ‘news reporter’ many years before he managed to get himself elected. Hell, the Nazis called themselves socialists just like many of the Communists did. And

The Hindenburg isn’t a blimp, it’s a zeppelin.

I’m sorry. I hate to be the one to tell you this but, party or otherwise, you’ll never be a great martini.

Stop it already!

Maybe a naive question - what if there’s no wind?

It is extremely rare that a customer walks in and says “I want a 2021 Tahoe Z71 in white, here is my 1/3 down and my pre-appoval check for the balance. Here is my email with your pricing”

I’m always stunned by those who think direct sales would be any better than the status quo.

On the second question: I would never bring cash with me for a private sale.

I hate it. The only thing that should poke above the dash is the wheel.

How about start making them not look like they were tacked on as an afterthought. It should be built into the dash if it has to be there.

Couldn’t this also be an indictment on the stupid cost of medicine in the US?  I mean the people that went to Sturgis deserve every bit of illness and vitriol they have coming, but $46,000 per case?  The whole thing is stupid, from beginning to end.

“[I]t’s all about cheating without getting caught.”

I wonder what the average person would do if they found themselves in a car surrounded by angry protestors punching their windshield and threatening them. Get out and surrender to the crowd? Sit there and wait until they flip your car over? Try to move the car forward through the crowd slowly? Or slam the gas?

If someone is staying behind to guard a tree, what’s the point of putting them there to begin with? Why not leave them all in a parked car or at least somewhere a little less obvious? It’s very odd.