
I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.

Oh my god, you’re so funny!! I mean how did you come up with such a HILARIOUS, original joke!!! I mean you are so ASTUTE!! And my god you are an amazing person with such great morals and compassion to bring up such an important issue!!!

In all honesty I can’t say I’ve made that mistake and have driven a standard for 15+ years until this past December. Maybe its the way I shift and my mindset. Although I can say many a time I have tried to go from a stop to start and accidentally left my car in neutral and looking like a dumbass as I rev my engine and

The only difference is that seatbelts are proven to be effective at keeping you in your seat.

And that’s in a state that will penalize businesses for not enforcing mask-wearing on their premises and recently made it a federal offense to assault workers enforcing such rules.

At least we won’t have to hear the frequent refrain about how we should all emulate Sweden, particularly on health issues, after this pandemic.

Someone parked their McLaren on my street the other day. And it was really confusing, because I don’t live on a racetrack. I thought for a second that I should leave a note telling him to stop using his car in a way that didn’t adhere to its ultimate intended purpose, but I decided not to be an obtuse hypocrite.

God forbid you take your DD to the store!

Can it crawl over the beige Lexuses parked across the lines at Costco? That’s where this will end up.

it was suppose to sound like T-Rex in relation to Ford’s raptor.

No. The Silverado Raptor knock off was a cash grab because it was basically a base silverado on a cheap lift kit. The only thing you need to make a Raptor competitor is a decent off-road “pre-runner” suspension and chassis modifications to handle the suspension. Not a lift kit and big tires to look like a Raptor; you

Costco parking lot comment. Very original.

You automatically have copyright over your photos. Putting it on Instagram does not make it public domain..

Volvo: “We don’t need permission!”

I’m trying to think of a good comparison to this, and I think I have one. This would be like if back in the day, Car and Driver bought a copy of Cars magazine, and then re-printed pictures from it in their own magazine. And when they got sued, they then claimed that because they bought a copy of the magazine, they

I’d very much say “Aurora is the Florida of Colorado” is an accurate description.

As my ‘people’ are from CO, I never understood but Aurora seems to be the ‘Florida’ of CO.

Yeah, but I can go for longer than 17 Seconds, so I’m definitely interested in this truck.

I can’t say I’m holding my breath with excitement over the prospect of another ultra-powerful production pickup truck entering the market“

Yes, they would be on rock solid ground, but no paying passenger wants this alternative model that you are proposing. You might as well require only flying cars can apply.