Except by all the polluting powers plants making the electricity. Or solar plants killing the one eyed three toady poisonous spitting lizard or wind farms chopping up birds like a poultry farm.
Except by all the polluting powers plants making the electricity. Or solar plants killing the one eyed three toady poisonous spitting lizard or wind farms chopping up birds like a poultry farm.
Sorry to be That Guy™, but unfortunately there are many more fine particulate emissions from brakes and tyres than there are from IC engines at this point, and they get worse the heavier the car is (e.g. a 4500-lb electric car v a 3000-lb ICE sedan). https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/aug/04/fewer-cars-not-el…
I was reading an article this morning over on Mashable (linked from Neatorama) describing research that had been released on how bad microwaving your water was for making tea, because unlike a conventional kettle that heated from the bottom and distributed heat by convection of the water, a microwave heated the…
A new study from the University of Surrey found that driving with the windows down can increase a car’s occupants’ exposure to pollution by 80 percent, more during peak travel times.
Correct headline: idling in traffic with your windows down in developing countries with minimal pollution controls increases your exposure to pollution (which may or may not be a meaningful increase that has health outcomes because we didn’t test that).
In before all the Tesla fanboys come and tell you how you are dumb, wrong, that windshield wiper controls in a touch screen are actually the best way to handle controlling them (because reasons), people who can’t figure it out are dumb, and you should bow before your new lord Elon Musk
The license plate software cannot tell the difference. In addition this particular vehicle had been reported stolen earlier in the year. The care with which the application is written needs some examination.
Not making excuses for this screw up, but almost certainly the “stolen” vehicle was found by license plate scanning software that many police departments use. They drove by and got a hit because the numbers were the same.
Kids can kill so it is just precaution, no need for hysterics. You know your car is not stolen so things will be cleared up in the end. You might also make a few $$ for false arrest if you are lucky.
Did you think the same thing, when all of the people had “Hope and Change” posters hanging up?
Anyone that expected Floridians to be civilized and courteous because the lives of Americans were hanging in the balance haven’t been watching the news for the last few months.
Wait a minute, so you mean to tell me that people are bent out shape because SpaceX chose a landing zone right off the coast of Florida where hundreds of thousands of people live and vacation (and own boats) and then publicly announce where the splashdown is going to occur only to get all butt hurt because a handful…
Did you see that there was more than one boat?
Trump is an idiot, but seriously what does flying a flag have to do with socialism.
Engineered bad is bad.
Modified bad is awesome.
The negative partisanship is not relating to the arrest; its relating to the varied reactions to the arrest. People on the left view this as excessive (because she is a vandal, not a child kidnapper) and people on the right hand wave the situation away because the person targeted is supporting a cause they disagree…
No, the police do not get a failing grade. They made a successful arrest in the face of a large rioting croud, and with a minimal need for officers to boot.
I hear a lot of FEELINGS going around. How this FEELS unfair, and how it’s disturbing to people. But I haven’t seen one reputable source say that it’s ILLEGAL. She was wanted on multiple warrants, they recognized her, arrested her, and drove off.