
I couldn’t watch the video with sound and with no closed captioning made it useless for me except for one thing; I wish my wife looked at me like this woman looks at this guy telling the story.

Same. Let’s get a written copy, please. 

Seriously, how many of us are reading this at work and can’t take 5-10 minutes to watch a video? I almost exclusively read this site while I am at work.

I won’t spoil the story for you

If 1 in 4 cars are old enough to drive themselves then why aren’t there more autonomous cars?

In fairness, China has sort of inserted itself as a potential belligerent in a hot war based on their ongoing (and decades long) approach to Taiwan. It’s certainly not beyond the scope of the possible to see a conflict (even if limited in scope) occurring in the South China Sea - and planes like this would serve an

The one parked in my driveway disagrees. It does have the Fiat Madness ECU good for almost 200hp, but 160 stock herspers should be fine for getting the holeshot in traffic.

Some people can’t have multiple cars. Some people take on vacation a year and choose for that to be spent overlanding. The same rigs you see out on the toughest trails still go to work during the week and stop at the mall for pants. You track your sports car 90% of the time? You bitch that people drive around in their

I think it was:

Step 1) The police ask who “the director” was
Step 2) The fall guy says he was “the director”

It’s not like beat cops would know the name of the director before walking up on them filming.

Hey Godzilla races through the center of town where theres a bunch of people and nobody calls him a terrorist.

why didn’t thye just use their cars to block the street and keep the cops out?

In an offroad setting an N/A V8 offers advantages over a turn turbo V6. From a power standpoint they may not be much different but a simpler engine is preferable when you’re far away from society. Turbo engines create more heat, have a lot more moving parts to break, have difficult packaging to work on, etc...

The minority owned dealership numbers aren’t terribly useful without knowing the total dealership count.

Good gravy that thing is hideous. It’s as if the designers didn’t know that aero can be both effective and aesthetically pleasing.

This is proof that money does not equal good taste. This is one awful looking car, although I do applaud the company for hiring equal opportunity as you don’t see a lot of blind car designers.

Rumor has it, Ford won’t even sell you one if you’re wearing the wrong brand of jeans....

This is all rational and we’ll reasoned, but a V8 would be cool and fun. 

As the owner of a V8 Jeep CJ7, yes, it’s what a Jeep needs.

So what you’re saying is for 6 months the Bronco will make a ton of money by selling as fast as Jeep’s do every day?

More truck hate from Jalop ... surprise surprise. Now let’s extend that hate to the perceived owners of said truck. Perfect. Fan the flames of a culture war and then sip expresso from my morally superior perch in Williamsburg.