
you got a great point

If you were out next to the river taking pictures when you saw Cuomo and de Blasio both being swept away by floodwaters, and you could only save one of them, would you use f2.8 to isolate their faces or f16 to maximize depth of field?

How is removing police from an area that needs them to an area that doesn’t not a safety concern?

To sum it up, two politicians enter into a dick swinging contest, regular citizens are the losers yet again. Seems like this could be the synopsis of basically every political story.

I would imagine the back ups caused by 700% more state trooper traffic stops would also create a public safety issue near or on par with closing some bridge lanes.

Punxsutawney Phil is the only true groundhog.

Let me see if I have this right:

Macs 1, Windows 0.

Moonshiners sucks even more than this show does. I don’t how that shit has been on the air for so long.

Yeah I really don’t think those shows should be on Discovery Channel either but what can you do? I wish they would just stick with stuff like Deadliest Catch, Dirty Jobs, Alaska’s Last Frontier, Gold Rush, the survival shows they have, etc. But at the same time lots of other channels have shows that have nothing to

“All Traffic Code Violations except DWI,” Really? Including riding a motorcycle without a helmet, riding a bicycle on the sidewalk, violating the requirement for the specified markings on commercial vehicles with three or more axles...? I’m impressed!

Don’t really care about the arrest. I just love the fact someone decided to turn a Probe into a drag car

Scary happening! YOU stay safe out there, Raph.

I’ve been saying it for years. We need to call them drive arounds. This is what happens when you send mixed messages.

Lol, you seem to have a very weak grasp of how this all works.

“They also seem to confuse a good down payment means good credit, or a good job.”

You are crazy - and not the quirky and charming kind of crazy I normally expect from you.

I’d consider just getting Kindle Fires for each kid. The kid’s edition is $99.

That’s your problem, you had too many kids. Give one to a neighbor or something and you’ll be all set.

“Seriously, nobody parks this way unless it’s on an handicapped spot.”

2.5 million bmw 3 series owners disagree.