
That confused me too. There are a lot of words that I would use to describe Trump, but probably the last would be communist. My guess is that it’s a holdover from the conspiracy theory that think Trump is in bed with Russia. Russia used to be communist, Trump is in bed with Russia, and so Trump = Communist? I think

We need to have the courage to tell people they aren’t allowed to be offended by simple things like potty humor. Personally, I think the plate is pretty dumb, but I’ll defend the guys right to have it.

Well at least those convicts no longer have to be offended by the HOO-FRTD license plate they’re making. The most unfortunate thing bout California is that it seems to be the forerunner for the rest of the country’s stupidity. Whatever stupid people in California are doing now is what the rest of us have to look

I don’t see what’s so offensive about the Women’s Equal Trade Fellowship of Anaheim, Rosemead, and Torrance.

It’s not all bad. We do provide “Welcome Home” baskets for the homeless and thank paroled convicts for their service.

Aaaand now it’s political

Are we surprised? California is a communist shithole with a deathly aversion to fun and hurt fee-fees. I imagine California as that one retired neighbor you had that had nothing to do all day but look out the window and complain about what they saw times roughly 40 million.   

also known as the love muscle

The masseter is strongest by volume, but in terms of overall strength, your leg muscles are the strongest.

Why would you take it off? It’s already strapped to your strongest muscle group...

this is the beginning of the end. I hear sponsorship is taking over naming rights next year.

Let’s be real. If she was not a transwoman, she’d be left for her entire sentence, and very few people would care, government or no. But she became a figurehead of more than one social movement, so I guess her crimes are okay now?

right... i need eleven volunteers and a beer sponsor

If the bar for what is considered cruel and unusual is now “attempted suicide,” I’m willing to bet that prisoners attempting suicide will increase, by about, um, 100 percent.

Wait. So your logic is, if someone tries to commit suicide, it is clear they have learned their lesson, been rehabilitated and should be released? This train of thought gives me a migraine

Stickers, lot and lots of stickers.

“Sometimes I’d open the door, and the inner door panel would separate from the door, and remain in the jam”

They switched to Monster Cables.

The worst part happened when he discovered that Aaron Rodgers wasn’t actually inside the TV.

Here’s an idea, don’t egregiously go out of your way to break the law. So, yeah, fuck that guy. If someone makes a mistake, I get it. I’m no fan of ruining people’s lives over dumb shit, but when you explicitly buy a device like this intended specifically to break the law, sorry, but my sympathy meter goes to zero.