
Portland OR—A Ford Mustang, commonly known to veer into crowds during illegal street races or while exiting “Cars and Coffee” events, was recently spotted harassing a bigger target—an oncoming train. “This is not good news,” says Alan Perkins, professor of automobile behavior at the University of Chicago. “Mustangs

It’s newsworthy because, having been freed from the tracks, the Mustang did *not* immediately execute an out-of-control powerslide and run over all the people who were helping him

No, the gamble is standing anywhere that could suddenly become Mustang-facing. Most attack victims suffered from a false sense of security in positioning themselves at oblique angles to the front of a Mustang.

I’m trying to work out what exactly is the newsworthy part of this post?

The Mustang will usually attack humans from the front. As seen in this Cars & Coffee Edition die cast recreation.

That Mustang could’ve easily gone into reverse. Those pedestrians were taking a gamble.

What principles? He’s too fucking stupid to figure how to pay a fucking tax on a car so he throws a hissy fit?

Well, can’t blame Klay.

4 houses? New Corvette for son? Pays tax with coins?

I am not someone who thinks spanking makes any damn sense, but I certainly think there’s a difference between light open-hand spankings and child abuse.

open hand spanking =/= hitting.

No. What you do is you start getting progressively louder, then turn and yell at the space next to you that “You know that you are on parole but this mothafucka keeps testing me.” then turn back to him and give him your craziest eyes.

Reminds me of the last fight I got in. This guy at a bar was looking at me. So I said, “What the fuck you looking at asshole?” He looks at me and says, “Nothing.” I stood up. “Damn right, you better not be.” This guy had no business fucking with a guy like me, so I said, “ You have no business fucking with a guy like

FCA jokes are long in the tooth and largely not funny.

“Of course we didn’t cheat like the Germans. We’re Italian, we’ve got our own ways of cheating!”

We need to abolish the EPA. Problem solved. Then we can actually get reliable less complex cars and high MPG.

I’ll take a Viper ACR over any Icon any day of the week. While I do lile some of the Icon vehicles I just feel like it would be better money spent doing the work myself. The Viper is just raw, sure it’s not gen 1 Viper raw, but in the crowd of cars it competes with currently it is as pure of a sports car as you can

This makes me moist.

In Toyota’s lineup its a solid 7, in the real world its a generous 4.

And so grounded to the ground!