This is literally Rocky IV with cars.
This is literally Rocky IV with cars.
Enough about the eyes things, no one cares.
According to Avila, an additional phone call the alleged pimp made from Avila’s car inquired the suspected john if there was any law enforcement or police presence with him the room.
i just realized that the 4c is the new Stratos.. and we are not appreciating it enough. yes it’s flawed, but it’s unlike anything else in the market right now and has the potential to rule the racing events it enters.. we just aren’t buying them because we aren’t as hardcore as we like to think we are.
nope democrat pretty much covers it
You can get an extension for Google Chrome which changes every instance of “millennial” on any page to “young whipper snapper.” You’re all welcome.
Counter point: Don’t wear your golds while playing a contact sport. Fucking hair is fair game; you think your chain will survive?
“oh hey everyone look at me! not only do i have a wife, like some kinda big shot, but people also invite me to their parties! AND i have a job! look how great MY life is!” so sick of your humblebragging.
Like hell you’re a Bills fan. No Bills fan has a Malibu that new.
Yes, let’s dump the best corner in the league because he occasionally does dumb shit. (Also Crabtree is a shithead and I’m sure he deserved it.)
Why eat concrete over a GT-R when you can eat concrete over a used Ferrari 360 for 25% less?
queue the “taking a gt-r through a drive through” hate.
But... GT-R? Seriously?
Ahh, so your the f the world type that cares about nobody but homself... got it. That makes perfect sense. One of these days you’ll grow up and figure it out.
Oh look, a reliable Jag that gets reasonable fuel mileage.
You cannot win in a fight with an 83 year old. Best to just collect evidence for later.
fair point.
I’ve sat here for a good two minutes trying to decide if you’re trolling. If so, bravo.
The open face of his driver.
This is the video of an 83 yo man attaching a car salesman in Sarasota last night